"So this weekend, theres a party" the strawberry blonde I'd come to find out was named Lydia mentioned, catching my gaze. "A party?"

"Yeah, friday night, you should come." Jackson said whilst Allison made up an excuse to get out of it. Her heartbeat jumped signaling she was lying before the pair turned their attention to me. 

"Uh yeah sure, why not?" I replied earning a small smile from Jackson and a grin from Lydia. "Great!"

"You sure? everyone's gonna be there" Jackson persuaded, trying his best with Ally. 

Now the attention was away from me, I turned my head to find the boy with the slanted jaw staring at me with an expression like he was trying to figure me out. 

After a second, he proceeded to send me a grateful nod to which I reciprocated, an act of thanks for saving his ass the night before. "Dude, that's the girl you were telling me about isn't?" the boy next to him asked with a shocked expression. "The one in the woods who helped you get up and run right?"

I concealed my reaction, I didn't want either of them to know I could hear them. If I was to display my reaction, there would most definitely be an amused grin creeping across my face right about now.

He nodded to his friend. "Scott! you failed to mention she was hot!" his friend whisper-shouted as my internal grin grew wider.

"I didn't think it was a major detail considering I almost died" 'Scott' retaliated, before I was brought back to my surroundings by the girls tugging my hands, leading me to watch lacrosse practice.


We approached the bleachers as I took my seat besides Allison as we watched the field intriguingly. "Who is that?" she asked both me and Lydia, refering to Scott. I bit my lip, shrugging my shoulders. I knew he was probably listening, yet I wasn't ready to reveal my secret abilities just yet. "I'm not sure who he is? why?" Lydia finally recoiled

After beinghit by the first ball, he seemed to finally center his focus as he stood in goal. McCall, as the coach called him looked determined, catching every shot to follow. "He seems like he's pretty good" Allison observed, no doubt inflating his ego.

"Very good" me and Lydia answered in unison, watching Jackson approach the front of the line.

"oh God" I muttered watching Lydia's boyfriend's determined scowl.

After the boy swung his stick with a powerful swing, evryone went silent. Errupting with a cheer soon after at the realisation Scott had caught the ball yet again. As practice continued, I momentairily left my spot, smiling at the girls before answering Hope's phone call at the side of the bleachers.

We caught eachother up with how our day's had been going whilst I avoided mentioning the night of my arrival before eventually leaving as Hope returned to her lessons.

I began walling back towards the front of the bleachers, staring at my phone before hitting someone's chest with a thud as they headed to the locker rooms.

My phone dropped down to the floor as the mystery boy grabbed my forearms holding me upright before I fell back. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I muttered before reluctantly meeting his gaze.

"Don't worry about it" he insisted, slipping his arms away from me to pick up my phone.

A light blush inhabited my cheeks when i realised it was the same boy I had winked at in my first class. His brown hair was shaved down to a buzz cut, his dark brown eyes inviting as little moles dotted generously across his face.

He smirked slightly, realising the roles had now reversed from their previous meeting. He held out his hand returning my phone. My hand grazed his as we continued looking at eachother, pausing for a second before taking the phone gratefully and putting it in my pocket.

"Arabella." I grinned, attempting to lose some of the embarassment from walking into him in the first place.

He took my hand in his, shaking it. "Stiles" he nodded, before my phone let out a beep from my back pocket.

I checked the notification only to see an unknown number, 'Ari! here's my address for the party on Friday - Lydia' the text read. "How did she get my number?" I mumbled, brows furrowed.

"You okay?" he asked, voice laced with concern as he looked down at me. "oh yeah, Lydia Martin just sent me her address for that party, I was just confused how she got my number so fast" I answered watching his face turn to that of astonishment.

"THE Lydia Martin gave you a personal invite to her party-" he cut himself off as he looked at me, my expression clearly entertained by his reaction.

"Wanna come with?" I blurted out without considering the chance of rejection. Oh well.

"Uh y-yeah sure" he replied soon after seemingly shocked. A smirk made its way onto my face, "can I see your phone a second?" I asked. His face wore a confused expression before realising what I was doing.

"Oh yeah of course" he muttered, handing me the phone, watching my dainty hands type my number into his contacts under "Arabella :)"

I handed his phone back before smiling at him walking away, "Later, Stiles" I called over my shoulder as he sent me a wave before stumbling into the locker rooms causing me to chuckle.

The rest of the day passed in a flash and before I knew it I was joining Allison back on the Lacrosse field watching the eliminaation round. Scott was incredible, his moves on the field were eccentric as he made first line.

I knew my suspicions were right, he had to be a werewolf and I think Stiles had begun piecing the puzzle together too. He resided on the bench, deep in thought whilst his heart began to race, he caught on quick to his best friends sudden unnatural behavoirs.

Part of me hoped that with the full moon approaching, Scott had somewehere to go, away from people or he was at least in control. However, I knew better, although we were not the same species of wolf, his first full moon was not going to be easy. I made a mental note to keep a close eye on him at the party on Friday, knowing he was Allison's date.

Whatever happens, I had a strong feeling it wasn't going to go well.


A/N: AHHH they finally met! I visioned Arabella to be quite a confident but down to earth character, maybe we'll see more of that persona in future chapters...How do you think Arabella will fit into the party? What does she think of Derek?

 Also please disregard spelling mistakes as I am literally publishing this chapter AS it is finished without proof reading, this chapter was almost exactly 1830 words.. wow.

I'm writing this story MAINLY based around episodes from Teen Wolf with some obvious changes made to include more of Arabella's storylines too. Although it was already obvious, I am just taking the oppertunity to clarify I do NOT own any characters or plotlines from The Originals or Teen Wolf, I only own Arabella and her storylines/individual dialogue.

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