Rudy snorted, "And this isn't provoked?"

Mini shook her head, "Nope." She analyzed the rest of the mandrills, "But I have a feeling we'll see them provoked soon. This game hates us."

Aru took out a sharp dagger from her boot, "Stole this from a merchant. Thought it would come in handy. You go Mini. Aiden and I will take care of you from the front. Hira and Keira will take the back. Everyone else takes the sides."

Mini looked at Aru, "If we're gonna get past this canyon, I have to go in front. No buts about it."

Aiden nodded, "Fine, but be careful."

Mini smirked, "I'm more than capable of handling myself, Mr. Acharya."

Aru nodded to her, "Niki, can you distract the overgrown monkey?"

Niki grinned, " 'Course I can!"

With that, Nikita raised her arms up, summoning her snake powers. She found herself turning into a full snake, green and purple. She slithered over to the mandrill that was standing in Mini's way, and bit it's food, making sure that no venom spilled out. The mandrill screeched in annoyance before losing it's balance and falling off the edge and to it's inevitable doom.

Aru watched it fall, "That was brutal."

Niki turned back into the human version of Viper Lazybones and shrugged, "You win some and you lose some." She looked down the canyon, "That dude definitely lost this one."

Mini laughed before gesturing to everyone to get behind her. She carefully assessed her steps before stepping onto the floating rope bridge. As they walked, the mandrills launched themselves over to them, trying to grab each person and drop them down the canyon. Being quick on their feet, they managed to escape the madrills and get to the other side of the canyon successfully.

Aru looked around, "That was too easy. There has to be a catch."

As if Aru's statement was answered, more mandrills made their way to them. They blocked the bridges, sides, and front. The group had no way of escape. They had to fight their way through the horde of baboons.

As they took out their weapons once more, the animals attacked from all sides, viciously baring their teeth and foaming at the mouth. Mini fought her urge to throw up. The group was about to initiate their first attacks.

As Aiden got ready to attack, a strong arm pulled him off the ground. He screamed at Aru, who caught onto his leg. They were both being pulled up. Mini caught onto Aru, and Niki caught onto Mini. Soon, everyone was being pulled up into the air and away from the primates that were jumping around crazily.

They looked up to see who had saved them. All they saw was a horse with wings and a masked rider. As they grew far from the mandrills, the horse and rider executed a beautiful landing, making sure everyone was safe before touching the ground. Mini looked to the rider that saved them, "Thank you...whoever you are."

Brynne narrowed her eyes, "Who are you, anyway?"

The rider spared a confused glance at Aru before removing his mask, "Oh thank the gods. It was getting stuffy in there. I don't even have my Gucci glasses. Honestly, can this game get anymore annoying?"

Everyone gaped, "BOO?!"

Boo chuckled, "And Sheela," he said, gesturing to the horse.

Nikita ran over to the horse, "She's the alicorn?"

"Alicorn?" Rudy questioned.

"Yes. A unicorn and pegasus put together is an alicorn, " Niki said, not even looking at Rudy.

Boo looked at Aru in confusion, "Now that we've introduced ourselves, who are you?"

Aru put her hands on her hips, "Previously Aru Shah. Now, Cleo Featherly. Sister of Lexington Featherly."

Boo pointed at Aru, then pointed at everyone else, "Wait... so Princess Lightningale over here, isn't you? HOLD ON DID YOU SAY SISTER? OF LEXINGTON FEATHERLY? Wait... then who's in Sheela's body. I'm so confused! Can you all just say your names please?"

Aru smiled, "Yep! I'm your sister. Niki is Viper Lazybones. Brynne is The Seer. Hira is Aubergine Crusher. Keira is Princess Lightningale. Aiden is Scimitar Blade. Mini is Booksy Skullshade. Rudy is Madame Verity. So, yeah."

Boo blinked. Once then twice, "Keira and Hira? The girls from the museum?" He looked at Sheela, who was now an Alicorn. "I- I think I'll take you up on that offer for a therapist. I think I hit my head on poles too often."

Everyone looked at Boo strangely.

The Alicorn neighed and Mini raised her eyebrows, "You are aware that Sheela says that it's a miracle you don't have a concussion?"

Boo rolled his eyes, not the least bit surprised that Mini could understand Sheela, "Not surprised. Maybe I do. Even if I don't, I probably have brain damage. You don't want to know what happened in reality." Boo shuddered.

Aru grinned at Boo, weirdly ready to change the subject, "How'd you guys even get here?"

Boo was hesitant, suddenly remembering Aru's feeling of hate from a while back. He decided to go against mentioning it and grinned back at her, "Voodoo."

Aru nodded, "Teach me when we get home."

"If we get home," Keira muttered.

Boo rolled his eyes, "Keira's right. We'll never get home with you guys freezing to death. It's a snowy canyon. I'm surprised you're still alive."

Aiden snorted, "Gee, thanks Boo."

Boo smiled, "No problem! But seriously, I have some gear you guys might want to use to stay warm."

At the thought of warm clothing, everyone forgot about Boo and checked the backpacks that were attached to Sheela's saddle. They pulled out clothing that instantly heated them up. They figured it was just game magic, so they didn't question it. The gang was back together, and the adventure wasn't over just yet. 

Aru Shah - Jumanji: The Next Level AUWhere stories live. Discover now