Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #19

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At the end of Episode 18:  We see Ferit and Nazli, Hakan and Demet, and Bulut in the courtroom. Their lawyers are pleading the case for their respective clients. The camera pans to Deniz standing on a pier by the water who looks like he is contemplating his next move. Back in the courtroom, Bulut is given the opportunity to say where he wants to live and it's obvious it is with Ferit and Nazli. The judge gives his opinion on the evidence presented and finds the fake marriage claims unfounded. As the judge prepares to give his ruling, Deniz walks into the courtroom and disrupts the proceedings. He tells the judge he is Bulut's uncle and has some opinions of his own that the court needs to hear. Nazli and Ferit look worried while Demet and Hakan look smug.

(Author's Note: Please read to the end of the episode guide and leave a comment. Don't forget to vote too. Thank you!)


The suspense is building in the courtroom as everyone waits for the judge to give his ruling on the case. Deniz has come in unexpectedly. When the judge questions why he is there, Deniz explains that he wants to speak on behalf of Bulut and where he should reside. Demet and Hakan look very smug as the judge permits Deniz to take the stand. However, the judge states there will be a ten-minute break and everyone filters out into the hall. Nazli pleads with Deniz again to do what is best for Bulut.

When the proceedings continue, Deniz speaks on his sister's behalf. Then the judge asks him point blank if he thinks Ferit and Nazli would make good parents. Nazli looks as though she is about to be ill but Ferit is showing little emotion. As though he is the one to answer the judge's question, Bulut leaves his seat next to Demet and scampers over to sit between Nazli and Ferit. Deniz answers the judge and says that Nazli and Ferit should have custody of Bulut. The judge officially agrees and Deniz leaves the courtroom.

Ferit and Nazli take Bulut home and they celebrate being a family. When Bulut leaves to go to his room to pick out a movie to watch, Ferit reminds Nazli that they must continue playing their role as a married couple. Nazli is feeling some strain from her new position. Her stress continues to build as she tries to contact Ausman but gets no answer. She remarks under her breath that "they will all drive me crazy."

In a light moment later at home, Nazli is chasing Bulut around trying to get him to eat some kiwi. As she heads around the wall to corner him, Ferit steps out of the hallway. He takes the piece of kiwi from Nazli and bites into it. Bulut laughs seeing the expression on his face and his reaction to the sour taste of the fruit. Nazli and Ferit agree that tonight is special and they will bend the rules. But after tonight, Bulut must eat well, mind his studies, and get enough sleep. Ferit challenges Nazli to eat a piece of the kiwi and she has the same comical reaction to it as he did, which makes Bulut happily laugh again.

After Bulut is put to bed, Ferit is in the kitchen leaning against the cupboard waiting for his coffee. Nazli approaches him at the counter and asks what he is thinking about. She also asks when he will take Bulut to see his mother as she must be happy that they won custody. Ferit admits they are not close and he did not tell his mother about the suit to win custody of Bulut. Ferit joins Nazli at the counter with his coffee. He tells her that his sister was close to their mother, like friends, which is why she reacted to her death so hard. He wonders if maybe his mother didn't wish that he had died instead of his sister. Nazli is upset by this remark and tells Ferit that no mother would want that. She encourages him to pick a time when they can take Bulut to the ranch to see his grandmother. They are standing with their elbows on the counter and leaning toward each other as they are talking. Ferit reaches out and takes Nazli's hands in his. They look into each other's eyes and exchange shy smiles. Ferit agrees to make the time to take Bulut to see his mother.

As the night wears on, Nazli is lying in bed and rolls over to Ferit who is sitting up reading a book. Nazli asks him if they really need to sleep in the same room. Ferit gently tells her that as long as Bulut is there, they must keep up the pretense. Nazli thinks it should be easy to fool him, but Ferit reminds her of when Bulut came in after having a nightmare. But since they share the same room, they can set up some rules. Nazli says they have enough rules. Is he sure he wants some new ones? Ferit says he does. He doesn't want to see her clothes laying all over the room. She should be be "more tidy". Nazli is a little piqued and wants to make a rule too. She wants the lights out so she can sleep. Ferit tells her he is reading and Nazli saucily replies that she doesn't care. He needs to follow the rules too. Realizing he has lost this round, Ferit turns the light out and stares at the ceiling as Nazli smiles smugly into her pillow.

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