Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #17

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At the end of Episode 16:  When the subject changes to Engin and Fatos's nuptials, Ferit says when you are sure of your love, don't be afraid, marry immediately.  Ferit interjects that he finally took his prize, and when Nazli asks if she is the prize, he looks at her with love in his eyes and says, "You are my everything." They exchange a long look and shy smiles. Once they get back home, Nazli admits it was good that they got out. They are back to acting like polite strangers and Nazli announces she is going to bed. The police arrive the next morning. Ferit is under arrest for a large drug shipment found on one of his company vehicles.

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When Ferit and Nazli meet the Police in the garden, they inform Ferit that he needs to come to the station to answer questions regarding the drug raid. Ferit tells Nazli it is obviously a setup and not to leave the house; he will be back soon. She balks at the order and says she will go with him. He sternly tells her no and repeats that she is not to leave the house. He reminds her they have security at the gate. If she doesn't want to wait alone, she should call Fatos. He gently cups her face and runs his thumb over her cheek. He assures her he will be back soon and not to worry. She tells him to be careful and with a worried expression, watches as they lead him away.

Nazli is never one to listen and she meets Engin and Fatos at the Police Station. Inside they tell Ferit it will take a while before he can leave. They are investigating a huge drug bust with several other companies involved. Nazli is outside of the interrogation room pacing when Deniz comes to join them. Engin brings him up to speed and tells him no one is allowed in to see Ferit. Nazli says she is his wife and has a right to see him. Fatos asks the guard that has just exited Ferit's interrogation room if Nazli can see him. He goes back in and comes out to tell Nazli she can see Ferit for a short time. When she enters the room, Ferit is pleasantly surprised. The police officer with Ferit excuses himself and leaves them alone. He doesn't close the door all the way but leaves a gap and they can see out into the hallway.

Ferit reminds her that he told her to stay home. Nazli says it was awkward to be at home while he was there. Ferit looks disappointed and says, "I get it. You mean it's just part of your duty." Nazli starts to inform him of why she came when he looks up and sees Deniz watching them from the crack in the door. Knowing he needs to also keep up the charade, he cups Nazli's head in his hands and pulls her to him. He tells her that he missed her. Nazli is shocked and asks, "You did?" He tells her he doesn't want to remain separate from her for even a couple hours. 

Then he whispers that Deniz is outside in the hallway watching them and pulls her to him in a hug. Nazli takes a moment to relish being in his arms, no matter if it is for show. She tells him she missed him too and was afraid something bad would happen to him. He tells her not to be afraid; all of this will pass soon. Meanwhile, Deniz can't take seeing them in an embrace and walks away. Ferit is hugging her tightly, while gently rubbing her back and hair. She asks him if Deniz is still there and he lies and says yes. She feels so good he doesn't want to let her go.

Nazli tells him it felt awkward being home alone and the walls felt as though they were closing in on her. He assures her he will be home soon. Nazli smiles and hugs him tighter. She tells him that she wants to get back to their normal life. Ferit says that is why he needs to reveal Hakan's dirt as soon as possible, so they can end this fake marriage. To Nazli his words are like a cold splash of water and she pulls back asking if Deniz has left. Ferit tells her he has. Nazli asks if he thinks Deniz doubted them, and he says he doesn't think so since she acted so well. Nazli looks disappointed that it was all an act on his part and moves farther away. Ferit looks pleased that Deniz has been put in his place. He is still mad that Deniz didn't call him when Nazli was in the freezer.

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