Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #16

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At the end of Episode 15:  Ferit is dressed in his tuxedo waiting at the wedding location surrounded by their guests. He paces back and forth, constantly looking at his watch. As the time for the wedding to start draws near, he calls Nazli but gets no answer. Ausman and Fatos are also trying to reach her also with no response. Ferit asks Fatos why she is not coming and she says maybe Nazli is just scared. Ferit grows angrier with each passing second. He thinks Nazli has changed her mind and is running like she always does. All the while, Nazli is in the freezer yelling for help, in vain. She eventually slumps to the floor and begins to succumb to hypothermia.

(Author's Note:  Please read to the end of the episode guide and leave your comments. Your vote will be appreciated too. Thank you!)


Nazli is barely holding on to consciousness, but her thoughts are on getting to the wedding and Ferit. Hypothermia is setting in and she curls up against the wall.

Ferit is at the wedding location with the girls and Engin. He is livid because he believes Nazli has run away. Engin makes an excuse that Nazli is ill and all the guests leave. Ferit takes off to look for Nazli with fury in his eyes.

Engin catches up with Ferit at his house. He asks if he has had any luck locating Nazli. Ferit yells that he has checked everywhere, the restaurant, her apartment, everywhere he can think of and nothing. Engin tries to calm him down to no avail. Ferit replies how can he be calm when Nazli stands him up on their wedding day. He is worried about what people will think, and how they will be able now to convince everyone it is a real marriage. 

 Engin tells him he is sure Nazli will have a logical explanation. Ferit doubts this and draws his own conclusion. He thinks Nazli's head got messy again and she didn't know what to do so she left. He can only blame himself though because he put too much faith and trust in her. Engin continues to stick up for Nazli and points out that not even Fatos knows where she is, and they share everything. Ferit isn't listening. He is sure Nazli is on some park bench somewhere deciding what to do and will call him in after a while.

Meanwhile inside the fish market freezer, Nazli is barely holding on. She is giving herself a pep talk and believing that someone will come soon. Meanwhile, the girls are at the restaurant frantically trying to track Nazli down by calling everyone they know. Deniz arrives and tells them he will go to the fish market and look for her. When he arrives no one is around. Thinking Nazli has come and gone, he turns to leave and sees her bandana lying in the parking lot. Intuition tells him she is still inside the market. He calls the security guard to let him into the facility. Once inside he runs to the freezer and opens the door to see Nazli lying on the floor. He calls her name but all she whispers is "Ferit", over and over. He gently picks her up and takes her to his car.

Nazli is now resting comfortably on Deniz's couch in his apartment. He has called in a doctor who says Nazli needs to rest for the remainder of the day. Nazli briefly wakes up and calls for Ferit. Deniz tells her she needs to get more sleep. She asks how she got stuck in the freezer and Deniz says he doesn't know. She asks where Ferit is and he tells her he doesn't know that either. Nazli tries to get up telling Deniz she needs to get to the wedding, but he talks her into laying back down and resting, saying she has already missed the wedding. She asks if they know about her and he assures her he will call them. She lays back down and falls asleep but Deniz doesn't call anyone. But Demet calls him and finds out Nazli is there. She is relieved she didn't kill her and when she hangs up with Deniz, she quickly calls Ferit to gloat that she knows where Nazli is. Ferit is at the outside bar at his house. He is livid when he learns where Nazli is and leaves for Deniz's apartment.

Nazli is sitting up and drinking some tea. The ordeal has taken its toll and she looks worn out. She asks Deniz what Ferit said when he told him and he admits he never called Ferit. Nazli stands up in a panic and says, "Are you serious, no one knows about it?" Deniz defends his decision claiming he didn't think to call anyone. But he is just enjoying having her all to himself. Nazli asks for her phone but it is in her bag which is still in Deniz's car. Nazli starts to panic that no one knows where she is and puts on her coat to leave. The sudden movement is too much for her. She sits back down on the couch and sips her tea.

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