Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #4

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At the end of Episode #3:  Ferit takes comfort in and enjoys watching Nazli as she gently strokes Bulut's hair as he peacefully falls asleep. Then Ferit and Nazli have their first "real" conversation. Ferit tells her he doesn't believe anyone is innocent. The reason he doesn't trust people is because they will eventually reveal their true self and prove him right in not trusting them. Case in point, Ausman sells the documents she copied on her phone to Demet. In the last scene of this episode, the parties to the custody suit are in court. Ferit has lost temporary custody of Bulut to Demet and Hakan because of those very documents.


What a heartbreaking opening scene! Ferit is losing custody of Bulut and little Bulut himself is devastated. We are witnessing the dire consequences of Ausman having photographed a confidential document and given it to Demet, in exchange for money. While Ferit, Deniz, Hakan and Demet argue in the hall, Nazli quickly whisks Bulut away from the drama.

She escapes with little Bulut to her favorite place, an animal shelter, where they enjoy a visit with a special dog named Selma. Ferit goes to Nazli's apartment thinking she would have gone there with Bulut. But Deniz has joins Nazli and Bulut at the animal shelter when he remembers it is her "go to place" when she is sad. Deniz is torn in this whole situation. On one side is Ferit that he knows and loves; on the other side is a sister that he barely knows. Nazli reminds him his focus should be on what is best for Bulut.

When Ferit and Nazli take Bulut to Demet's house per the court order, it is Nazli that smooths the transition. Ferit refuses to go into the house to get Bulut settled but hugs him and reassures him that they will be together again soon. The hug between Ferit and Bulut overflows with emotion and Ferit's eyes well up with tears. Walking back to the car, Nazli explains why she took Bulut from the courthouse without telling anyone. She waits to be reprimanded, but Ferit looks at her and says he understands that she did it for Bulut. Nazli's expression of disbelief that he was so gracious about it is almost comical.

On the way home, Ferit takes a detour. He tells Nazli he wants to take her somewhere and offers to still pay her for the extra time, as though she was working. She quickly declines any extra pay. Ferit pulls into a beautiful scenic overlook, a place he frequents whenever he is troubled. He tells Nazli his father used to bring him here to fly kites because the winds have the perfect symmetry and flow to keep a kite up in the air for a long time. Nazli tells him everyone likes a little symmetry but Ferit's obsession for it is different. In her opinion, she doesn't care how perfect things are and doesn't consider herself to be a symmetrical person. Ferit is staring at her the whole time she is saying this. At the end of her explanation, he tells her, "You are beautiful, if that is what you worry about". She looks into his eyes then drops hers down in her signature shy expression when she is embarrassed.

Ferit tells her he wants her to continue working for him. Just like in the past, she will cook his meals and leave. Bulut will be back with them soon and he doesn't want her to be without a job. When he drops Nazli off at home, he thanks her for all she has done. She reassures him everything will be fine and exits the car. She doesn't see Ferit watching her walk to her door with a look of interest and admiration in his eyes. But she does turn around for a final glance, but Ferit is talking on his phone and already pulling away.

Ferit returns home late, puts on a soulful record, and sips on a glass of whiskey as he sits outside on the patio and reminisces about his times with Bulut and his parents. He is wearing a pained expression and unshed tears glimmer in his eyes. After a while, in utter frustration and anger, he throws his whiskey glass down on the patio where it explodes into a million pieces.

At home in her apartment, Nazli tells Fatos and Ausman about the hearing. That it was very hard for Bulut to be separated from Ferit when the judge gave temporary custody to Demet. It all happened because of some documents presented to the court. Ausman realizes what she has done and is remorseful. However, she does not dare tell Nazli she is the guilty party, the very person one who secured the damaging documents for Demet.

When Nazli and Ferit meet in the kitchen the next morning, cranky Ferit is back again, much to Nazli's disappointment. He gives her a menu for dinner and leaves, barking that his assistant will send her a menu for the week. She looks on in utter amazement at his regression. Later when Nazli leaves for the day, a driver is waiting to take her to Demet's house. Demet makes a proposal to Nazli that she take a job as the caregiver for Bulut. Nazli responds that she will think about it, visits with Bulut a while, then leaves with Deniz to retrieve a special lamp from Bulut's old house. Deniz sends Nazli clear vibes of romantic interest but she does not encourage him; she just wants to be friends.

Before Nazli leaves the apartment the next morning, she accidentally sees the pictures of the confidential documents on Ausman's phone. She immediately turns down Demet's offer. Beside herself with grief and fear, Nazli is distraught. She tells Fatos she needs to tell Ferit herself what Ausman has done before he finds it out another way.

Back at the office, Ferit is relieved and happy when Deniz texts him that Nazli did not take the job with Demet. When Nazli shows up at his office to talk to him (attempt #1 to tell the truth), Ferit tells her he has a short meeting. He asks her if she will pick out a gift for Mr. Nakatami and he will join her shortly. True to his word, Ferit arrives a short time later in a whirlwind of frustration and livid with anger. He tells Nazli and Ms. Ikbal that they cannot trace where the documents came from.

His demeanor becomes calm though when he faces Nazli. He thanks her for not taking the job with Demet and actually smiles at her and reaches for her hand, enveloping it in both of his. He also thanks her for her support and reassures her Bulut will be home soon and they will be back like before. He also tells her she is really a good person. Nazli chickens out and leaves Ferit's office without telling him about Ausman. She goes home and rips into Ausman again, reducing her to tears after telling her she just could not tell Ferit the truth.

At home later, Ferit listens to music again, sips his whiskey, and reminisces about the conversations he has had with Nazli. He remembers their first official run-in at his home when they both thought the other was an intruder. Dancing at the Delegate gala. When they discussed her love for cooking during "movie night" with Bulut. And finally, the morning he caught her in his arms when she was locked out of the house after looking for a cat she heard in the garden. His smile at these recollections says he is falling for sure.

The next night when Nazli gets home, she realizes she forgot her phone at Ferit's house. Thinking she can sneak in and grab it quickly then leave, she is surprised to meet Ferit in the kitchen. With a quick explanation and apology, she grabs her phone and turns to go. Ferit stops her in her tracks and asks if she would like some coffee. She says she would and asks kiddingly if he will make it for her. He says yes, and looks at her like she had just walked out of his dreams.

When they are in the garden with their coffee, Ferit sits on the edge of the table. This brings him down to Nazli's height even as she remains standing. They talk about the recent happenings with Bulut then begin to talk of their own interests, like Nazli's love of everything Japanese. Nazli becomes excited and animated talking about this culture. Ferit notices her struggling with her hot coffee cup and quickly takes it from her. Their hands accidentally touch and both are aware of the sensation that brings. He places her cup on the table next to his as she continues talking about her favorite subject.

Ferit is captivated by her beauty and smile and quietly listens, asking questions to keep her talking more. She gives him a smile and looks down in her shy way as she apologizes for getting carried away. Ferit says he appreciates her enthusiasm. Nazli kids him about his compliment, saying that he actually appreciates her. He laughs freely at the ribbing and the air between them changes again.

They look into each other's eyes as their smiles die down. Ferit remarks that it is a full moon again. The camera pans to his lips and then to hers. Like the first night when she was drunk, she replies that the moon is like a big lantern and Ferit counters with a childhood memory. She leans closer and asks which coffee cup was hers; she wants to take a sip. She ribs him about his memory, asking him if he remembers about the boxing rabbits in the moon. He replies, "I remember".

His eyes are drinking her in. It becomes obvious they are not talking about the same thing anymore. He is remembering their previous personaly encounters and Nazli is only inches away. He stares into her eyes then down at her lips. Without looking away, he reaches down to grab her cup and hands it to her. He repeats "I remember" as they continue to look into each other's eyes.


This episode guide is written and inspired by the characters of the "Dolunay" series. All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written exclusively for Can Yaman International by Sue Croft.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International

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