Mia held the knife whilst Trent placed his hands on top of hers. Everyone counted down from three to one and the couple cut a slice of the cake. They placed it down on the plate whilst Trent took a piece and fed it to Mia, her doing the same. They shared a small kiss which led everyone to cheer for the two before everyone went back to their tables.

"I love you Mrs Alexander Arnold," Trent said as they sat back down in their seats.

"I love you too Mr Alexander Arnold," Mia replied.

Trent placed a gentle hand on her cheek before bringing her in for a kiss. It was soft but passionate making them both want more. Trent slid his tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance but Mia slowly pulled away.

"Not here. We don't want people to see," Mia whispered into his ear as she placed a gentle kiss along his jawline.

"Fine but that doesn't mean I can't make out with you when we get home," Trent replied with a smirk on his face.

Mia punched Trent in the arm causing him to laugh as she rested her head on his shoulder. Everyone was chatting and eating when the sound of steel hitting glass made everyone go silent.

"Can I have your attention please," Robbo said as he stood up and everyone turned to look at him.

"Oh god no," said Trent as he hid his face in his hands in embarrassment.

"I would just like to say a huge congratulations to Mr and Mrs Alexander Arnold on their marriage and hope that they have a happy future together." Everyone clapped and cheered before Robbo continued. "When I first met Trent he was just some kid that could kick a ball around on a field but now he's one of my closest friends. He's always there for me when I'm down and always trying to push me to the best of my abilities. I have to admit I never saw Trent actually settling down with someone. He was always football this football that. Didn't want any distractions. That was until he met Mia. I remember we was playing a game against Chelsea and he was the last one out of the changing rooms like always. He just came out onto the pitch with this huge smile on his face that I had never seen before. And you know what he said to me. That girl is going to be mine one day, I just know it. Now at the time I had no idea what he was talking about because I couldnt see no girl but when I met Mia I understood. He fell in love with her the moment he layed eyes on her and I am so happy for him. Mia has really changed Trent for the better and now they are deeply in love and have a gorgeous baby on the way so cheers to Mr and Mrs Alexander Arnold I wish you all the best."

With that everyone raised their glasses and cheersed to the newly weds. This day just kept getting better and better. As the night went on, everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves. The adults were talking to one another and getting drunk whilst the kids were eating the whole of the sweet buffet getting high off of sugar.

"Can we have the bride and groom on the dance floor for their first dance please," the DJ asked.

Mia and Trent made their way to the dance floor from wherever they were in the room. As the slow music began to play Mia wrapped her arms around his neck whilst his hands rested on her hips.

The couple slowly started to sway back and forth to the music not one of them knowing how to dance properly.

"So have you enjoyed yourself today," Trent said. Only him and Mia being able to hear eachother.

"It was the best. I mean I got married to the love of my life. What could be better than that?"

A smile grew on Trent's face as he pulled Mia in closer to him and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"How about you. Have you enjoyed today."

"I loved it. I would do it all over again if you were my wife at the end of the day."

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