umbridge || chapter fifty

Start from the beginning

"Thanks," I murmured, rubbing my eye with a clenched fist. It took me a moment, but I managed to summon the willpower to slip down from the side of the bed. The floor felt like ice beneath my feet, so I had to tiptoe to the bathroom.

I grabbed my toothbrush and lobbed way too much toothpaste onto it. Which was evident in the way it foamed around my mouth. After a minute or two, I spat it into the sink and rinse out my mouth.

God, I hate mornings.

I pulled my curls up into a messy bun and sluggishly washed my face. After that, I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag, which came in handy every time I fancied pulling a catfish moment.

Draco had moved from the mirror, so I stood in front of it and draped concealer under my eyes. Then, I dabbed a bit of blush onto my cheeks so my complexion didn't appear completely malnourished. Lastly, I curled my lashes and coated mascara over them.

Good enough.

"What a pretty girl." Draco came up behind me with a grin. I rolled my eyes and tried to push him away but he only came closer by wrapping his arms around my waist. He started to gently sway me from side to side, so I gave in.

"I know..." I muttered, a tiny smirk on my face. Draco shook his head and laughed softly into my hair. The embrace lasted for a couple moments, but eventually, I had to pull him off of me so I could change into my uniform.

When I finished getting ready, we made our way down to the Hall. The air was warm as we neared it, and the distinguishable scent of freshly roasted coffee beans and toast filled the air.

The four tables were already packed by the time we got inside, though our usual seats were still available. I picked up my time table and scanned my lessons.

"History of Magic first lesson?" Draco looked over at mine, then his, only to see his was the same. "God, that's torture!"

"Could be worse." I laughed.

"And it is worse." Draco frowned. "Double Defence Against the Dark arts before dinner. With Gryffindor as well."

"Hey, don't stress." I placed my hand on top of his face. "Maybe toad-face isn't as bad as she seems."

"We'll see," Draco said, unfolding another sheet. This one was information about of prefect duties. "Hear this? Prefects can give detentions as a form of punishment."

"Well, I've already got a few in mind." I sighed, gesturing to an obnoxious lot of first years down the table. Draco dipped his head, "Definitely." He agreed. "We also have access to the prefects bathroom. Should check it out sometime."

"You think so?" I glanced at him, noticing the smirk on his face.

"Mhm.." he hummed, folding the sheet of parchment into a square before slipping it into his robe.

A paper crane soared above the tables. It was Defence Against the Dark Arts, period five. There was no sign of Umbridge, so the class buzzed with excitement and watched the crane journey across the room.

"Go on Seamus! Go on, go on, hit it!" Egged few of the Gryffindors.

Seamus stood up from his seat and swatted the crane. It fluttered further towards the back of the room, and the Gryffindor lads burst into fits of laughter.  I blew a gentle gust of air at the crane as it passed over my head, and watched it glide away with amusement in my eyes.

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