pink buffoon || start of fifth year || chapter forty-nine

Start from the beginning

I slumped into the plush seat opposite of Draco and instinctively kicked my feet up onto his lap. "Get off." Draco said, trying to push them off, but I only kept shoving them closer to his face in spite; my laughter filling the small space.

"Give em' a whiff."

"You're disgusting." Draco's lip curled while he grabbed ahold of my ankle. It got the point I was pretty much just trying to kick him in the face.

Why, you might ask?

Because I can.

"Y/N, behave." Draco tried to warn, though he couldn't help but laugh. However, the train jolted to a sudden start and caused both of us to jump. My head fell back and banged against the wall.

"Fuck," I groaned, leaning forward and pressing my forehead into my palm.

"Karma," Draco coughed sarcastically, until I glared at him from where I hunched over. That's when he realised I was in genuine pain. "Sorry," he murmured.

A couple long hours later, which had consisted of Draco skimming through the Daily Prophet, me taking a nap, getting a burst of energy, nearly wrestling Draco out the door, to now somehow sat side by side as the meadows rolled past to reveal a Great Lake.

The mountains climbed high behind it, and amidst the two, the castle of Hogwarts lay centred. The lanterns from within lit up the night sky, each turret a mere silhouette. Outside the window, the train began to screech as it pulled to a slow.

It gently rocked us from side to side, Hogsmeade station only a mile ahead.

We begun to rise from our seats, and it was evident the others started to do so to, as a sea of Hogwarts robes fled down the corridor. "We'll change once we get off the platform," Draco said, noticing my concern.

We squeezed our way through the crowd, hands intertwined until we stepped onto the platform. Blaise was getting off the carriage only a few feet away, so we called him over, what also attracted Crabbe and Goyle in our direction.

"Would you look who it is," Draco said, eyes glued onto a trio ahead of us. I followed his gaze and realised it was locked on the back of Harry's head. "Not this again," I whispered under my breath as he started to pick up his strides.

"I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free, Potter." Draco called out. Harry glanced over his shoulder and immediately, his eyes flashed with annoyance.
"Better enjoy it while you can, I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it."

Harry all of the sudden lunged towards Draco. Ron quickly grabbed ahold of his arms and held him back, but the alarm was still there. Draco took a step back and held Harry's gaze. He smoothed down his suit, his lips curled. "What'd I tell you? Complete nutter."

Draco grabbed my hand and pulled me away with him.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry shouted after us, my hand still in Draco's.

"It's only Malfoy." Ron breathed, "What'd you expect?"

Before we could approach the line up of carriages, Draco realised we still had to change. "Come on, there's some toilets in the station." He said, so I followed him. The only problem was, there were no cubicles. It was just one single room.

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