The Beginning of the End

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 ~ Juvia's pain was not dwindling. She thought that it was a cruel world and she hated it. She wished them all dead, she wished all demons that roamed the wretched land would die.Juvia watches on as her captor becomes the captive. Ultear had left her alone and had gone towards Gray. She whispers something in Gray's ear, Juvia swears she sees him go pale. Suddenly, all his fight vanishes. He just knelt there, completely still.

His head hangs in defeat.

Ultear smiles in approval, a distorted, creepy smile, before stretching her hand forward, palms facing outwards , she mutters an incantations. Magical circles appears around her hands and everyone in her surrounding area becomes shrouded with a bright light , then, they disappear. The King included.

Juvia laid there, in pain and afraid. Her torn tail twitching as it edged the water line. Tears welled in her eyes as she lay on the beach. As the morning slowly creeps in, the waves became stronger. Stretching up the shoreline and covering Juvia a little, it gave her strength, not a lot, but just enough, just enough to allow her to roll into its grasp and be pulled further and further in it's embrace, until she is far enough to sink to the bottom of the sea. ~

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