Chapter 4

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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒4:05 ━●─────── 45:15  ⇆      ◁      ❚❚  ▷  ↻

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4:05 ━●─────── 45:15
  ⇆      ◁      ❚❚  ▷  ↻


Are you sure you want to help?" The female asked as she gave the kind male a worried look since he was going to dirty his hands by digging in the dirt and planting baby plants and flowers. It was surprising that he asked to help her since he does look high maintenance and has seemed to have no idea of how household chores work.

"Of course, I can't just leave a lady to do the work when I can clearly see her limping." Zhongli spoke of what was the obvious, he could still clearly remember of what a certain someone telling him to be careful around fragile items or people.

Upon hearing the male's reply, (Name) couldn't help but stare at the flower she was planting. "Oh, ah-- thank you." She almost stammered once again, she should've been used on talking to someone new but Zhongli's voice was making her feel.. things.

His voice was soft and velvety, she could of asked him to tell her some stories but of course she didn't since that would be too embarrassing to do so.

"May I ask of what happened?" Zhongli asked, curious of who or what would do such thing to a female's precious skin. In their Empire, a woman's body must be preciously taken care of and should not have a single scratch to be called as beautiful by other ladies.

With a shrug of her shoulders, (Name) didn't care of what other ladies would think if they ever saw the scar, it wasn't that bad and truth to be told, the scar would help her to be more cautious around her surroundings. "Well, there was a bear trap which I didn't happen to notice since I was distracted by a ruin guard. No worries though, this doesn't bother me anymore."

"Oh? I'm sure bear traps would leave a huge scar on your skin." The male was a bit concerned regarding this girl, since she was part of the people who haven't known or seen him as the respected Emperor which of course was refreshing to him.

Using and hearing formalities every single day was a bit too tiring for him, he wanted some peace and quiet and it seems that he has already found a place and a person.

"I-It's fine.. I don't mind it anyways." (Name) does mind it, like her normal average girl her age, she would want to wear beautiful dresses and find someone who looked love and look at her dearly. But she knows it too well that no man would want a girl from a fallen family, that is if that man was in search of her remaining mora.

Sighing, Zhongli adjusted his gloves and said, "I do mind it." He hopes that he didn't offend (Name) in any way, it was just that.. he wanted her to shine like gold in front of others just as how she should, she's the lovely flower the same as the Glaze Lilies that bloom once a person sings to it.


"I'll bring a good ointment tomorrow, so don't worry about it making a scar anymore." The ointment that was meant for only Royals to use, though Zhongli does not mind sharing it to (Name) since he does care for her well-being even though he had only met her for at least a month.

𝙀𝙈𝘽𝙊𝙎𝙊𝙈 ✓ || ZhongliHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin