Miracle Part 1 [Edited]

Start from the beginning

"What makes you think I can't?"

Lucas just gave me a very feline look. "Because it's either you're following us or your parents will be dragging you to Holland with them for that family reunion next week."

I scowled at him. He knew how much I hated crowds now that my power had become so potent. "The family reunion is next month, and I'll be away on a business trip."

"Yeah well, I'm afraid not," Lucas said smugly. "The family reunion has been brought forward to this coming Monday. So it's either spending time with grandmothers asking about when you'll be getting married or hanging out with us in a wonderful trip around the world."

"You planned this, not Dani," I snarled.

He just gave me a nonchalant shrug. I sighed. It seemed like had no choice. I had wanted to avoid that family reunion as much as possible.


A flash of perfect, white teeth as Lucas jumped to his feet. "Then I'll see you at 0600 hours, Jay."


I sighed at the memory. Lucas could be sneaky when he wanted to, but I was grateful. I may still be uncomfortable around crowds but the change of pace was welcomed.

Glancing at my watch, it seemed that I still had some time before meeting up with the others. Deciding to grab a drink, I avoided the long line of people waiting outside a busy drinks stall and walked into a cafe at the corner of the of street.

The cafe was small and relatively quiet, the atmosphere warm and comfortable. The interior was a nice dark brown, with wooden floors and dark red walls. Blinds covered the windows, blocking out the sunlight from streaming in. Soft music played in the background as patrons chatted quietly to each other over their mugs of coffee or tea, the ambiance calm and soothing.

Noticing the absence of a queue, I walked up to the counter and glanced at the menu.

"I'll have the hot chocolate, please," I said to the girl behind the counter. 

She nodded her head vigorously, her eyes wide as she stared shamelessly at me. I ignored her reaction, used to the way people would involuntarily stare at me. The staring made me uncomfortable, which was why I was reluctant to go out, but I had learned to not mind it.

"That would be two fifty, sir," she said, her voice breathless.

I placed the money on the counter and walked over to a nearby seat to wait for my order. Leaning my head against my hand, I looked out the window. I was lost in thought but the sudden "Order number 52!" broke my little reverie.  

As I stood up to go collect my drink, a sudden buzz of conversation started up, making me wonder if something interesting had happened. Looking around me, nothing seemed amiss other than people were leaning their heads together whispering and occasionally shooting glances at me.

Self-conscious, I quickly grabbed my drink and made a move to exit when suddenly the girl behind the counter reached out to grab the sleeved of my jacket.

"Mister, are you like an actor or celebrity or something cause you're like so hot," she babbled, eyes wide with her excitement. "Can I like take a photo together with you or something?"

I froze and blinked at her sudden request. "Excuse me?"

"Please just one photo," she begged, pouting at me while holding out her phone. I just stared at her, uncomfortable with how her brazen action was attracting attention.

I was about to answer when suddenly a boy, who was wearing a stripped cap with pimples on his forehead stuck his head next to her. He was about to say something to her when he noticed me. His eyes widened and his mouth  fell open in shock.

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