Was she really asking me out? Ona date? Nah, it's too soon to be a date.

sure, you pick the place. I'll come by at 6.

I checked the time at the top of my screen. It's 3 o'clock.

can't wait! :)

I grinned at the smiling emoji.  I put my phone down beside me and picked up the black, shiny TV remote. I clicked the red button at the top and pressed buttons until my favourite Netflix show was playing. I snuggled up with Xena, and with blankets and pillows.

*          *          *

I woke up fro my cat nap with a yawn and a huge stretch. My eyes still adjusting to the time. Oh my god. OH MY GOD. IT'S 5:45!! I blinked again to check if it was actually the time. AHH, IT'S 5:45. I pushed through the blankets and pillows and raced upstairs to my room. I slid open my closet and rummaged for a casual outfit, but not too casual because you wanna impress her right, but also not too fancy so she doesn't think you're being too 'out there. wow, I didn't know choosing an outfit for the girl you like could be this complicated.

 After my hands were pushing coat hangers together and apart, I finally picked up a crimson red singlet top, and a pair of tight ripped high-waisted dark blue jeans. I quickly slipped them on, along with some nice pieces of jewellery. I also snatched some black ankle boots from my stash of nice shoes I never wear.

I ran as fast as I could in the heels I was wearing to my bathroom, opened the first draw and laid some foundation on my face. I blinked my eyes as the mascara attached itself to my eyelashes. I made a fish face and slapped some blush on my cheeks, and some clear lip gloss.  I glanced at the hairbrush in the corner of the bathroom counter. Eh, my hairs not important. So I left it straight down, as usual.

 I took a second to look at myself in the mirror. For ten minutes, I'm really impressed. I actually look like I spent a decent amount of time on this fit. And with that, I ran downstairs, grabbed my keys and my phone and went out the door. Once I unlocked my car I locked the door behind me. 

I arrived at Aria's place five minutes late, I mean it could be worse. I parked my car, got out but didn't bother to lock it, we were both going to end up in there in a minute anyway. I passed the array of flowers in her front yard and stepped up the old wooden stairs to the verandah. I knocked on the door. At first, I thought she didn't hear me, because the door was still locked after a few minutes. I knocked again, and then I could hear footsteps getting louder and louder until Aria opened the door. 

She was wearing an earthy green cami top with a small sunflower in the middle, and a plain dusty pink skirt that came down to her knees. She wore white flat sandals with ribbons that wrapped around her ankles. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she had a silver layered necklace on her neck. And to finish, a white cardigan wrapped around her.

"I-I uh, you look great," I stammered. Aria stepped out and locked her front door.

"Thanks, so do you," she smiled. We both walked down the wooden steps and to my car. 

"So is the place nearby?" I asked, waiting beside the car.

"Yeah, it's on the main road. I'll direct you unless you want me to drive." She responded.

"It's ok, I'll drive," I said, opening the door to the drivers' seat and sitting down. Aria got into the seat next to me. I turned the car back on and began to drive down the main road. I kept driving until Aria pointed to the restaurant. I nodded and parked at the nearest parking spot near the place. Throughout my whole life, I don't think I've ever bene to this place. 

"So how'd you come across this I ?" I asked as we walked inside. Aria pointed to the chalkboard with Aria's name on it. 

"That's our table, over there." I followed Aria to the square table and sat down so we were both facing each other. Aria took her cardigan off and wrapped it around the back fo the wooden chair.

"Yeah, so I ate here on my first night in Ireland. And I really loved the food and thought it would be a cool place for me to bring you." Aria explained. I smirked at her cute little story. 

A waiter came to our table and gave us a menu each. We thanked him and he headed to another table to give them their menus. I folded my menu opened and scanned for the mains section.

"What did you get when you first came here that you loved so much?" I questioned, still looking at the menu.

"I got the parmigiana. This is the only place that serves them around here, that I know of anyway." Aria answered, still looking at her menu.

"Parmigiana, " I repeated. "I've never heard of it." Aria dropped her jaw.

"It's like  the best Australian dish in the whole world, I was so annoyed that they don't serve them around here," She ranted looking up at me from her menu "But this place is multicultural, they serve dishes from all around the world."

"I mean, it sounds really cool. I'll give it a shot." I giggled, closing my menu.

"You won't be disappointed," Aria ensured. "I haven't had one in a while, so I'll get the same."

The waiter came around and we ordered our food along with some water. I suddenly got really excited to try this new dish. Throughout the evening Aria and I talked and talked. About life, childhood, school life and growing up being sorcerers. All this cool stuff. Aria talked about the songs that she writes and she showed me some of her artworks on her phone. She's so talented. 

She also showed me pictures of her friends and family back in Australia. I showed her some pictures I took of Alice and me, and also some pictures I took from when I was on missions,  and my cool outfits. And Aria liked them.

Finally, our food came. I took a bite of the parmigiana and my taste buds instantly lit up.

"Oh my god, that's the best thing in the whole world!" I exclaimed, taking another bite. I dropped my knife and fork on the plate and let out an "Mmmmm." That's how good it was.

"I told you you'd like it," Aria laughed, taking a bite of her food.

"I don't like it, I love it." I beamed. We both laughed. "I think I found my new favourite food," I said.  

"Oh, you're becoming a true Australian!" She squealed quietly. 

I don't think I've laughed that much in a really long time. I don't think I've even had that much fun in a really long time. And let me tell you it felt really good.

Once Aria paid for the food after I insisted it was one me but she didn't listen, we walked outside and looked across the road at the beach and the sunset.

"You wanna head down to the beach for a bit?" I asked.

"Sure, let's do it," Aria responded, and we both walked across the street to the bay.

Love story - A Skulduggery Pleasant fan fictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon