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I ran back to my parents' street, but I approached Aria's home instead of my parents'. I rang the old doorbell and waited. Aria eventually opened her door, and I was surprised by what I saw. She was wearing a sleeveless golden sequined dress that was a little higher than her knees. She wore exquisite beige wedge sandals.

"Uh, hi," I scolded. She did look very beautiful, but I need to cut to the reason why I came here. Aria smiled at me, which annoyed me. She opened the door wide and signalling for me to come inside, so that's what I did. Her house was very beautiful, it was made of brick and looked very old. Vines and indoor plants filled up the empty brick walls. She had amazing artworks framed in gold and hung up on the walls. I followed her into her living room, which was basically a soft brown couch, a coffee table and an enormous amount of books.

"No TV?" I asked curiously.

"I find TV is a waste of one's time." She said sitting down on the couch. "So, why are you here Valkyrie?" She asked me, in her rich Australian tone; It really was so, had to focus on the magic.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you were showing my little sister earth magic?" I complained.

"That's why you came here?" Aria asked, laughing.

"You realize that it's against the law to show someone earth magic, don't you? You can get arrested!" I fumed.

"Woah, no need to shout. Why are you so defensive about it anyway?" She asked me.

"It's... a long story," I signed.

"Well, we have some time to talk about it, and I am known to be a great listener." She sympathized, patting the spot next to her on the couch.

"Fine." I said murmured, sitting down on the leather couch where Aria's and was, "So, I am part physic; And I've had a vision of my sister when she's older, around sixteen; And she was preparing for some sort of big battle, and I'm not sure if she was on the good or evil side of the battle. So, I don't want her learning any magic, to avoid any parts of that vision."

"Wow, that's so dramatic; I get why you're so sensitive about it, but no one can just simply learn magic just by showing them what we can do. So, you have nothing to worry about." Aria confirmed, sitting up and heading into another room; I stood up and followed her out of curiosity.

 She was kind of right, Alice couldn't possibly learn magic from Aria just showing her earth magic; I guess I was just being overprotective of Alice and that stupid vision. She entered her bedroom; It was full of more plants and artworks.

"You must really love nature, huh?" I asked her, observing the plants.

"Oh no, I absolutely hate plants!" She stressed sarcastically. There was a five-second pause and then we both burst out laughing.

"Sorry, stupid question," I giggled. "let me ask you a better one." I rummaged through my mind for good questions, "So, why are you here?"

Aria opened her closet and took out a jewellery box and put it on her bed; She started to take out some bracelets and necklaces.

"You might already know, but I was born in Australia." She announced, slipping on a golden bangle bracelet.

"Yeah, I can tell by that accent of yours," I answered smiling. She smiled back.

"I grew up in Sydney and loved music from the moment I heard my first song. Ever since then, I felt as if I had some sort of...weird bond with music; I started writing songs from age thirteen. It got a little-recognized in my city, I went to a few gigs here and there. That's not my real job though, I actually live off my art; I do paintings, all of the ones in my house are my own." Aria explained.

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