chapter 2

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Bethany's POV

After stopping at Starbucks to get my coffee fix, I pulled into my parking spot at my new job. Looking at the clock I noticed I was twenty minutes early. Deciding to make a good impression I headed in the front door. Sitting at the front desk was an elderly woman who smiled at me.

"Can I help you?" the lady asked.

"Yes, I'm the new assistant to the CEO. I'm Bethany Miller." I said as I offered my hand for her to shake.

"Ah yes, Mr. Walker is already here. He said he was getting a new assistant. His others didn't last long. I hope you can work with him. I'm Mrs. White." She said as she took my hand shaking it. "Take the elevator to the tenth floor and it's the only office up there. If his door is closed just knock before going in."

"Ok thank you." I said smiling thinking what have I got myself into. Apparently, his assistants don't last long. Wonder why? Oh well her goes nothing I thought as I got into the elevator pushing the tenth floor. I watched as each floor light up as the elevator climbed. My nerves went higher just like the floors. The number 10 lights up and dings as the door slides open. I quickly step out into a great big open room with couches and chairs arranged like for a party. To the right was a smaller room that has a desk and few other things in it. At the end of the room there stood a big solid door unlike most office doors I had seen. This door looked very sturdy and had a peep hole for whoever was on the other side to look at the person who knocked. I was hoping the door would be open since he was expecting me, but now I have to knock. Taking a deep steading breath, I walked to the door and raised my hand to knock. As my hand was about to land on the wood the door flew open and my fist came in contact with a hard chest. My eyes grew wide as did the mans as I realized I just hit my new boss. Son of a bitch he's going to fire me, and I didn't even make it an hour.

"Ouch!" the man said rubbing his chest. "You defiantly don't hit like a girl." He laughed. At the sound of his laughing my eyes flew up to look in his. Oh my! My boss is my neighbor and I heard him fucking all night. My cheeks turned bright red and I watched as Jason smirked at me.

"Well looks like you are my new assistant neighbor." He said with a smile. I gulped. I wonder if he knows how sexy he is. Of course, he does you idiot.

"Umm Hi, Mr. Walker. I would have tried to make a better impression if I knew you were my boss this morning." I said trying to remain calm.

"Oh, you made a good impression Miss Miller don't worry about it." He said as he opened his door further allowing me to enter. "Do you work out may I ask?" I look at him weirdly before answering him.

"No, why do you ask?"

"Well, you hit pretty hard. I thought maybe you lifted weights." He laughed then winked at me. I couldn't help it and I giggled. I slapped my hand over my mouth realizing what I did. "It's ok Miss Miller I quite like your laugh." He said as he took his seat at his desk as he motioned for me to take the seat in front of his desk. "Ok let's get started." He said as he placed his hands clasped together on the desk and leaning into it. "I'm sure when they hired you, they explained what I expected. However, there are a few more things I'm sure they didn't mention." I nodded and waited for him to continue. "You will be responsible for scheduling all my meeting and arranging any and all travel that I might need to do. When I go out of town for meetings you will be required to attend with me." Well, that's a new one. No one said I would be traveling. "Is that acceptable to you?" I couldn't think of any reason why I couldn't travel for work. I'm not married with kids. Hell, I don't even have a boyfriend.

"If that is what is required of me then yes." I said as I watched a smirk slide onto his face.

"I'll need you to pick up all my clothes from the cleaners and often you will have to work late." I nodded. I don't have a lot going on in my life, so this won't bother me. "Of course, you will get paid extra for the late nights or having to travel with me. You are also responsible for taking notes in all my meetings so most of the time you will be in this office. When you are not that smaller office just outside will be yours. I will give you extra money to fix it the way you want it. Also, sometimes I have to attend parties or charity events if I don't have a date, I will expect you to go with me. If that happens, I will provide you with wardrobe for the event at my cost."

"Ok Mr. Walker, I believe that is all doable. If you will give me all the papers, I need I will get started. Just let me know what needs to be done for this week and I'll get to it." He nodded and pulled out a bunch of papers and his schedule book. Taking everything, I head to my office and sit at the desk starting to arrange meetings for Mr. Walker. When I set my mind to something that's all I can think about. I pushed out all the memories of my boss and his company fucking all night and got all of the meetings scheduled and booked the dinners marked in his calendar. Looking up at the clock I realized it was a quarter to five and I had finally finished all the tasks Mr. Walker needed for me to do. Getting up from the desk I headed back into his office. I watched as he was writing something not paying any attention to my presence. I cleared my throat before speaking. "Mr. Walker, I have everything finished. Do you need me to do anything else today?" He looked at his watch and dropped his pen sitting back into his chair as he rubbed his hands down his face groaning.

"I didn't realize it was almost five." He stood up and stretched. I watched as his chest muscles strained against his white button up shirt. I felt my cheeks growing hot and I quickly looked away, but there was no hiding my blush as I'm white as a ghost. I mean I'm a red head with blue eyes of course I'm white and the red shows. "Are you ok Miss Miller?" Jason asked me.

"Ummm yeah. I just felt hot. Probably cause I'm needing to eat I get low blood sugar." I looked back at him and I knew he could tell I was lying from that mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Oh well, then I better not keep you. I think that is all that I need for today. You may leave. I had a late-night last night I think I'll head home as well." He said as he grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair walking towards me.

"I know" I mutter out before I realized what I said. Great you idiot know he knows I heard him all night. Thank God he acted like he didn't hear me, maybe he didn't.

"May I walk you to your car?" He said and I nodded yes. As we made it to my car he smiled and helped me into my car. "I would say I'll see you tomorrow, but I might see you later tonight since we are neighbors." He said with a little chuckle. "Oh, and Miss Miller" He said leaning into my car getting close to my ear. "I'll try and keep it down when I have company, so you won't have a late-night too." Shit he did hear me. He smiled showing all his white straight teeth and dimples in both cheeks. What do you say to that?

"O-ook. Goodnight Mr. Walker." I stuttered out.

"Night Miss Miller." He said shutting my door.

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