Chapter 4💝

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A/N decided to post the last today since last chap was just Gojo being fucking angsty lmao plus this whole thing is originally a already completed one shot anyway I just split it up. And I have other stuff, some goyuu to write anyway.


This is the third time he's done this. Execution is easier but it doesn't hurt any less. Like each time it feels like his head had been repeatedly bashed in, put in a blender and blended in the juices of his own psychi, infinity useless in a this situation, and it takes a while for him to gather himself, leaving him basically vulnerable for a few seconds too long, more then he was comfortable with, before his senses and mind settle.

Unlike the other times though, this time, he's laying down and everything around him is soft, warm, and smelt nice. Like peaches, It was nice, and extremely welcomed by his 'traveling' nauseousness. If he ignored the pain he came here with he has to admit he's extremely comfortable. If he could, he'd just snuggle closer to.. to what ever this was infront of him, his arms circled around it, keep his eyes close and sleep it off....but he couldn't, he could only hold this for so long before he gets pulled back, the reason and solution for control was...well Still aworking progress.

Taking control of his body Satoru cracked an eye open, it was dark but as it was right infront of his face he could still make out the partly familiar mess of fluffy pink that was so close it tickled his nose.

Pink. Yeah. Pink. A head of pink, connected to a body, a waist, that his hands were currently more then cozily wrapped around. Satoru flushed only to pale just as quickly. If this was who he thought it was then—

He probably could have done it with ease had he not been so thrown off by the situation, their positions, compromising, intimate, but alas when he tried retracting his arms it only shook the sleeping body infront of him, causing him to turn around, fortunately still asleep but that didn't stop Gojo from panicking as the pinkette blindly reached a smaller hand out for his, the boy's sleeping hold on his palm surprisingly strong for an unconscious grip.

But with the confirmation by his face, yup it was definitely Yuuji, his student. he couldn't help but internally panick even more.

Just like the first time they technically met Satoru couldn't help but ask, or rather mentally screem "WHAT WAS THIS SITUATION?!"

Again Gojo could have probably gotten out of this situation easier but his brain seem to malfunction as he watch the boy infront of him, sleeping soundly, chest softly rising and falling in unconscious bliss, unaware of Gojo's confused panic. Yuuji held his hands firmly and he was so close to Gojo if he moved any closer he'd probably feel his breath on his face. Satoru stayed frozen, even too afraid to breath in fear of waking up the boy.

Gojo thought himself alot of things, he was a professional asshole after all. But he didn't think himself a pervert. Or much of a pervert. But not an extreme pervert, enough to possibly be in a relationship with a student. And even if that wasn't the case sleeping like this with him was still... questionable.

Yuuji looked around fifteen or sixteen and how old was this him? Either way they were still teacher and student.

Gojo was beginning to question future him's morals. Sure he's never been a stickler for rules and sometimes even the law but this was so..wrong? and a waste! Gojo knew he was beautiful! He could get any guy or girl he wanted why'd it have to be a student?

Was it even worth it? Sure the kid admired him, could seemingly read his unease with a single look, was cute, his eyelashes falling above round cheeks, had skin loved by the sun, a slight contrast to his porcelain one that looked quite beautiful as their hands were currently connected. Soft pink fluffy hair that surprisingly matched it pretty well, a cute nose that twitched from time to time definitely boopable, soft looking lips.. kissable lips—

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