Chapter 1💟

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[Goyuu - What waits for me]

This is the third time he's done this. Execution is easier but it doesn't hurt any less. Like each time it feels like his head had been repeatedly bashed in, put in a blender and blended in the juices of his own psychi, infinity useless in a this situation, and it takes a while for him to gather himself, leaving him basically vulnerable for a few seconds too long, more then he was comfortable with, before his senses and mind settle.

Unlike the other times though, this time, he's laying down and everything around him is soft, warm, and smelt nice. It was nice, and extremely welcomed by his 'traveling' nauseousness. If he ignored the pain he came here with he has to admit he's extremely comfortable. If he could, he'd just snuggle closer to.. to what ever this was infront of him, his arms circled around it, keep his eyes close and sleep it off....but he he couldn't, he could only hold this for so long before he gets pulled back, the reason and solution for control was...well Still aworking progress.

Taking control of his body Satoru cracked an eye open, it was dark but as it was right infront of his face he could still make out the mess of fluffy pink that was so close it tickled his nose.


Gojo should probably stop messing around with this. But when he's alone, bored out of his mind and fully capable he couldn't help his curiosity.

It's one of those techniques that only someone like him was able to do but at the same time it something he apparently was not supposed to know about either, but when the family vault of forbidden scrolls and secrets only has 13 rather flimsy heavy duty locks, basically begging to be broken into you learn a few things from the contents inside.

One of those things was Time travelling. Well a form of time traveling anyway and because infinity and space manipulation was lowkey his thing, what's throwing time in there? He's Gojo Satoru he should be able to do anything right?

The Technique involved moving your conscience rather then your body and after trying for a few days he'd almost given up the forbidden spell, trying to see a glimpse of the future through his own eyes. Seeing the past might have been a better option considering he didn't wanna go around seeing things in the future he probably shouldn't, if he focused on the past he'd have a clearer destination— but his past was tedious and boring, why would he want to go back to see it? and also if he ended up being stuck he'd rather it be the future. Sure there's a possibility that his life span might be cut in half but he's sure it's more interesting then reliving a life that was planned out step by step, a life like his and sure to not changed no matter how much he might want it, to all over again. And that could mess up the future if he wanted it anyway but what ever, the price was just his life. He'll take the risk.

Anyway Gojo was about to give up know one would judge him for it especially since he didn't tell a soul what he was attempting. He didn't tell them, he'd just convinced Suguru, Shoko and the senpais and Sensei's he'd taken up meditation. They seemed skeptical at first but left him too it.

Yeah so nobody would know he failed.

Failure. It was something he was expected not to do. Many didn't even believe he was capable of anything but success. But how wrong they were.

He failed all the time some, trivial, like expectations of his personality and goals. He wasn't the regal well mannered officer of Justice, peace or balance some wanted him to be. And some beyond completing a mission or saving a life.

Riko Amanai was one of his biggest failures in that category, a reminder that, contrary to what his elders wanted and what he says to people to save face, he was imperfect.

but with the eyes of expectation constantly staring at his back he'd learn to act like he didn't care, well honestly he actually didn't care most times... Sometimes.. He'd hide most of his failures now matter how small to save face, behind dark glasses and big cheeky smirks that screemed "shameless." Or just with simple silence.

Like right now, no one would know he failed at this technique, or maybe he didn't fail and just needed more time but for now he was done trying to play Marty McFly.

For now atleast. Maybe.

His head was killing him and he needed some sugar in his system before he takes a proper a nap then goes to annoy Suguru sum, his friend seem to need extra attention after what happened to Riko and that's another reason why that specific failure stuck with him so. The endless possibilities of what could've been done different on that day flashing across the ravens face even time he saw his somber and lost expression.

But cheering up— bullying his bestfriend would have to wait because that's when it happened. He stood up to exit his room when all his senses suddenly strilled, sending electrical like spasms through out his body and brain, he felt like he was falling. He was falling but at the same time  like he was being physically pushed and pulled and suddenly everything was still and black.

Pitch Black.

But he still felt conscious. His head felt like it had been bashed in but he seemed in one piece. He also seemed to be sitting backwards on a chair for some reason.

Opening his eyes it was still black, his senses settling a bit before he'd realized his eyes were simply covered. Curling a finger around the cloth and dragging the fabric down his neck he took in his surroundings.

Firsts things first he definitely was not in his room where he'd previously been so he's 99% sure it had worked. This was definitely his body...his future body he's guessing, he couldn't see himself but he's sure, especially the way his white hair fell infront of his eyes, yet the back of his neck felt bare and shaved, different. A different hair style. And not to mentioned the familiar power that pulsed through his body and eyes. But it did feel weird like some of it was his but at the same time wasn't.

Yup definitely his future body.

Satoru cracked a wry smile at the prospect of him getting even stronger, it was exhilarating.

Secondly there was the sight he saw first and foremost. It was honestly hard to miss being right in front of him and the most noticeable thing in the small, drab, paper lamp lit room besides himself.

It was a curious sight.

There a was a boy across from him on his own chair, though he didn't seem to be receiving the same "hospitable" treatment Gojo was. Like for one Gojo wasn't passed out and tied up. The kid was. His hands seemingly bonded behind the chair, his unconscious body drooping forward, bent in a way that would definitely leave an annoying crick in his neck or back, or both, later.

Like the rest of the room the boy was covered in dozens of cursed seals and talismans, the faint beating of cursed energy that definitely had no business belonging to a human emanating from his body, not feeling like it belonged to him either, entirely anyway, most likely the reason why he was here.

He couldn't see the kid's face with his head turned down like that just his messy cut of pink visible.

Glancing around the room before settling back on the boy again he made a face, 'what exactly was this situation?'

The universal must have felt like he didn't deserve an answer, his thoughts on the matter coming to a halt when he felt like he was being pulled back by a shirt that wasn't even there untill he found himself staring at the familiar plain white ceiling of his dorm room.

He sat up examining himself making sure he was all here as he felt his skin tingling.

It only lasted a few seconds and he didn't have a clue how far forward he went, nor did he really have control over it, though it was definitely a future.

flopping back down on his bed a second, he honestly felt even more drained, "atleast it worked." he muttered to himself with a yawn, eyes fluttering close.

Snacks and harassing Suguru would have to wait.


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