I sat up. My heart was still pounding from that dream. I could still hear that same music. It was coming from the creek. The music was unfamiliar - I had never heard it before. I looked up at the blazing sun. I could tell that it was a bit later then when I usually wake up. The hammock swayed as I stood up. I proceeded to creep down the hillside, towards the creek.

With every tiptoe, the music grew louder. I reached the edge of the bank - peering down at the creek. There was the ninja. He was sitting on a large rock, playing the shamisen. I was standing within a few yards of him. This was the moment of truth. I walked closer. My heart beat fast - just like the dream. This time, it was real. I reached out my arms, and grabbed him.

"Ah!" The ninja let out a squeaky shrill. "Let go of me!"

The shamisen dropped to the ground. I yanked off the hood. I stood there - my mouth open - in complete shock. My mind was blown. There before me, sat a girl - a kunoichi. Her silky brown hair, fell to her waist. I let go of her. She turned, and faced me. I looked into her eyes, outlined by her shiny bangs, and lots of make up.

"Alright! You got me! Now take me to jail!" She insisted, throwing her hand in the air.

"Take you to jail? For what?" I asked.

"Oh - you don't know who I am?" The young woman said - looking surprised.

"No, I don't."

The girl turned her head, and began to mumble to herself. "Darn it girl! You've been ruining from this cute sheriff, and he doesn't even know who you are!"

"What was that?" I interrupted her rambling.

"Oh, nothing. I guess I better introduce myself. I'm Fiemie Ohna." The girl said cheerfully.

I shook her hand. "My name is Nishoma..."

"I know - you're the sheriff." Fiemie interrupted. "Shouldn't you be eating breakfast, with that dumb deputy of yours? You're intruding on my meditation time."

"As you know, I had a long night." I rebutted.

"In case you were wondering. The Cavanaugh children are back with their mother." She assured me.

We got up, and began to walk up the trail towards Keisho's Bluff.

"So - tell me about yourself." I said - striking up a conversation. "Why should I take you to jail?"

Fiemie hesitated. "Let's start from the beginning. My mother died while giving birth to me. My father - well, who knows what happened to him. I was raised by my uncle Kevin. He has a second-degree black belt from the Dargon Ryu..."

"Yes - I trained at one their dojos in Japan. It was run by Sensei Joe Futado, and Sensei Kage Borigatsu." I chimed in.

Fiemie continued. "I was a restless child, from an early age. My uncle took me for some test. They said I had some behavioral issue. I loved to watch my uncle practice his ninja skills. He always said he was gonna teach me someday."

"What about you going jail?" I persisted.

She stopped walking, and looked up at me. "One day about ten years ago, I was daydreaming in school. I imagined that I was a kunoichi. I took a kitchen knife from the cafeteria, and began role playing."

I shook my head head, and rolled my eyes.

"What!" Fiemie snapped. "You can't blame a girl for dreaming!"

"No." I said, with a touch of irony in my voice.

Fiemie resumed the story. "Before I knew it, the cops were there. They brought one their dogs. He ran towards me with his teeth out - I got scared! On reflex, I stabbed him. He let out a howl, and I stabbed him again. Then the cops started chasing me. I manged to escape them. They called my uncle, and he was waiting for me at home. We learned that the dog died later that night, during surgery. They issued a warrant for my arrest, and I've been running ever since!"

I continued to stare at her. "Why would a tough kunoichi, living in woods, need to wear make-up?"

"That's the next part of the story!" Fiemie scowled. "My uncle couldn't bear to see me taken away, so we went incognito. We moved to the country, and I posed as his son. I had to cut my hair, and wear boy's clothes. All of the other girls wore fancy dresses, and had their hair done. I wished I could be like them. One day, my uncle got fired from his job. He deiced that It was time to moved somewhere even more rural.

We finally settled in the so-called 'Cave of the Giant Rat' up on Keisho's Bluff. Hayatoge was more populated back then; but no one seem to bother us. I let my hair grow out, and learned to make my own make -up. I can make all kinds of make-up from plants, and clay. I can make eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, and so much more. I like wear make-up, even if nobody gets to see it - except for you, now. I guess it makes me feel more feminine - helps me to, fill that gap."

We had walked up and down the trail, a dozen times.

"I know how you feel." I expressed. "It can be hard, trying to overcome something difficult in your life." I quickly changed the subject back to her. "So, what happened to your uncle?"

"Well, he kept his promise. He disciplined me in the way of ninjutsu. He even taught me how to make those smoke bombs. One day ,he told me that he was going to get some supplies, to build us a proper house. He was going to build a house on Keisho's Bluff. A house that would look over all of Hayatoge. Anyways, he left that day and never returned. That was five years ago. Then the Fukushima Incident happened, and everybody left. With all the thugs taking over, I decided to become this vigilante that I am today."

"Wow!" I said. What could I say? "That's an amazing story! The way you, persevered on your own."

"Well..." Fiemie blushed. "Some ones got to it!"

"That's the spirit!" I encouraged.

Fiemie looked me up and down, with a grin on her face. "I've been watching you, Nishoma. You're one the best sheriffs we've had around here, in a long time! What made you come to this ghost town?"

I was about to answer, when I heard some one yelling "Help! Help! Nishoma, help me!"

"That sounds like Deputy Yoshikawa!" I exclaimed. "He needs our help!"

Fiemie nodded her head, and we took off, ...

Well, The cat's out of the bag! What do you think? Comment below!

Thanks for reading!!!!! :)

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