Chapter 10: Book's

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I sit on your shelf waiting, knowing that eventually, you will pick me up expecting me to give you the knowledge that you can not get from life. I will tell you wonderful things and you will change the way you see things in your tiny little life. I will change it in a way that will make you see things brighter, cheerier or even darker. Why I am doing it right now, in this very book you are reading right at this very moment I have changed the way you see Monopoly, being a Student, Candles, Kettles, Food, Doctors, Dogs, T.V., People Watching and Books. You did not realize that did you, in this book I have changed your outlook on life in the littlest ways and now my purpose in life is complete and I can live out the rest of my day on your precious internet changing the views of others.

I am a Book trapped in a cruel world that brings Knowledge, Intelligence and change to others.

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