first letter

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dear girl,

I dont know who you are are or if you will see this but I am writing to you. Who are you? What are you? What is your name? Do you have a name? I'm so sick and tired of being alone all the time with no one to talk to. I am scared I have gone crazy I'm not sure if you're real. I'm not sure if anything is real anymore. I dont recognize myself in the mirror. I dont know what I really look like. I forgot what you look like, just the memory of your slanted green eyed piercing my own. Your eyes are so beautiful, you remind me of a fairy. When I looked in the mirror, my pupils shifted. I dont know how to reach you. I dont know if you are real. But I desperately want someone to talk to. Anyone, even if you're simply a figment of my imagination. If there is any way you can respond to this and tell me about yourself and answer my numerous questions please tell me. Reality is slipping through my fingertips like sand and I need someone to hold it down. I dont want to burden you with my issues, so why dont you tell me about yourself first? I have never written a letter before, much less to someone who most likely doesnt exist. Was I dreaming when I saw you? They say every person you have seen in your dreams is someone you have seen before. Im pretty sure  I would remember seeing you though. Your features are so unique that I cant help but question if you're real or not. Also the fact that I saw you in a dream. Which brings me back to previously... Was that a dream? I have been so confused recently everything feels like it is repeating. I feel like I have known you without having seen you. I feel as if we have been best friends in another life. I wonder if it wasnt a dream and if we are in different realities and dimensions or on different planets. 


maia ❁

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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