The family meeting.

Start from the beginning

I finally entered the restaurant, and give the attendant my name who kept looking me up and down not because he was checking me out, but because of the way I am dressed into. Well, I guess my clothes were not suitable after all.

To say the restaurant beautiful is understatement, it is breathtaking. It is highly live up to its reputation. I think that’s why it’s considered as one of the top five at the city. And explains why the waiter looked to me in that way.

When I approached the table that was next to a window, my doubts were confirmed. It was a family meeting as I said. I took a deep breath. They cannot humiliate or hurt me more, might as will enjoy for once good diner. At the table was sitting my cousin Grant facing him was Megan. I groaned. These two was my less favorite cousins. Come to think about it I actually do not have a favorite cousin.

They look the same half year ago. They are still those hateful snobbish that looks high on others, thinking they are the best. While they are the worst. But when I saw the person that was sitting beside Selene, I felt like all the colors were drained from my face. I knew the reason why I was really here. There was sitting the one that made my high school living hell. Oh, my luck is not the only thing that made me suffer. Compared to her it was nothing. Okay. I take that back.

Stacy Colton, the school’s beautiful fairy and my hag from hell. She is Selene’s best friend. I was her personal enjoyment or from the look in her face still hers.

“You’re late” said Selene with irritation.

Megan laughed at that the kind of laugh that makes you feel itchy. “As always, you remember Stacy, right?”

Stacy looked at me and gives me a smile. A smile, that did not change over all these years. That tight smile that gives you the impression if she moves her lips another inch, it might crack.

“Long time no see, Heather.” Nothing changed. The same hate, that radiate through her calling my name.

“It is.” I said while taking my seat between Grant and Selene.

If I was feeling that all the colors were drained from my face, what I saw next made my heart drop from my chest


My long time crush and Grant best friend. The one I used to have fantasy about in my dreams, but of course he never saw me more than younger sister. He was the same handsome as he was five years ago. If possible even more. He was approaching us with this sweet smile on his face. He took the seat beside Stacy and said directing his words to her. “Sorry, I had to take that call.”

She returns his smile with one, and said. “No problem.” It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out as the realization came to me……. They are dating.

Just then Stacy looked at me as if she knows I was watching them. She smiled, for anyone it seemed sweet but I only knew the reason behind it. Somehow she knew back days that I loved Daniel and she was enjoying my pain. I might not lie that I still have a faint of feeling towards him, but I have given up long ago before having a hope to begin with.

Following her gaze Daniel looked at me. He took a few seconds before his eyes widen in realization. “Heather.” He said it in questioning tone more than a regular tone. “It’s really you.” he smiled at me that I felt my heart flatter for a second before he said. “You still look the same.” And all came crushing down; he doesn’t have to tell me that.

“Daniel, I didn’t expect to see you.” that wasn’t a lie. I really did not expect to see him or Stacy. Ughhh. I just hope this night pass throw. “I am happy to see you.”

“I am glad to see you too, little girl.” He really needs to stop doing that. I just nodded to him.

The waiter came to take our orders for the dinner and soon everyone began to engage in a conversation. And that’s the moment I felt outcast. Not only was I wearing out of the place while they looked elegant in their dresses and suits, but also out of the conversation too. That’s why Selene brings me to this family meeting, not because she misses me and wants to see me, but because she loves to humiliate me and have the satisfaction that there is someone lower than them. Someone they could brag in front of him about how successful they are and how much a loser he is. And to my less fortune that person is me.

As much as I say that they can’t hurt me more. They always find a way to do it. I hate these family meetings.


While waiting for our food to come, Grant begins to talk about his position at company and his new promotion to be the vice president. Selene talks about how an important organizer she is and about the contract she made with this new company. Mandy was bragging with her next fashion show and how happy that Stacy her main model is great help in it. Even Daniel was talking about his new restaurant, the one he was going to open soon.

I kept play and toying my handkerchief not paying to them attention any more, until Daniel directed his words to me as our dinner was finally being served. “And, Heather you have to make sure to come for the opening, I will make sure that you be served well.”

I smiled at him. “I will try.” And that of course is a lie. If he wants his opening to be successful, he should know best than inviting me.

Just then the table’s turns for the night, my sweet lovely bad luck has to put his nose in it.

I turn my attention to the waiter who was serving me my dinner. “Excuse me, but that’s not what I have ordered.” The waiter looked at me horrified, as this kind of mistake can’t be done in such highly reputation restaurant. And that he will be in deep trouble. “I am so sorry, miss. I …..” he begins mumbling into words.

“It’s okay, it happens.” I tried to assure him, that it’s not his problem. The poor guy has fallen victim into my bad luck trap. “I will bring the right one in a minutes, I am truly sorry.” And by that he strode away to get me my right dinner. I frowned at that a little; my luck never acts so little. Oh. This always happens to me, I have tried variety of food for that reason. There is something smells fishy about it.

“You still have that bad luck on you.” Stacy said it inform of fact more than question. “That’s poor.”

While the other waiter was pouring wine for Grant, Daniel asked “Is it possible?!” He wore a surprised look on his face. “Your bad luck still with you??”

Before I could answer his question or say a word. My bad luck answered me instead, and What hell of an answer…..

In a blink of an eye, the waiter that was pouring wine moved at my direction and spilled the whole bottle on my blouse and one the floor, but oh dear God, that wasn’t all. As in a few second, there was that sound of electricity before the whole restaurant went out and we stayed in a mere darkness……..

I knew something smelled fishy.




Here’s another update. I hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to vote and comment….

Yesterday was Friday 13th.i would love to know how this gone for you.

And HaPpy Valentine everyone. ;)

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