Chapter 5- Bright

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When we arrived at school to try and convince Ms. Harrison to let us in, it didn't quite go as we planned.

"Believe me, I think it's wonderful that you sand again. I prayed for this moment for almost a year. But it's too late." Ms. Harrison stated while we watched her with pleading eyes.

"What if you just hear her play?" Flynn looked like she wanted Julie to get in more then Julie wanted too.

"You know she's amazing." I added.

"It wouldn't matter. A new student starts tomorrow. There's only-"

"So many spots." Julie interrupted Ms. Harrison, as if she knew there was no way of convincing her, "and if I don't participate I'm out. I know"

" I did everything I could to keep you this year, but Principal Lessa made it clear that yesterday was your last chance. Your sister is barely in the programme. I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do. You'll have to re-apply next semester. I'm truly sorry." She added with a frown.

The school day whizzed by and before we knew it I was back home. I got in side my house, and Julie ran straight up to my room. I  went to follow her, but instead I saw my dad sitting at the kitchen counter with his head in his hands and his phone next him. He looked like he was sobbing.

"Oh my gosh Dad?! Are you okay? What happened?" I rushed over to him engulfing him in a hug. He looked up at me. I knew that look. It can't be. No I refuse to believe it.

"Sky.... that was the doctors office..." Dad looked like he was about to burst into tears. He began speaking again but his voice became muffled and my vision got blurry. No. It can't be. I've been cleared for almost 3 months. I could only catch phrases of what Dad was saying. It was stuff like, "Pay for treatment" and "We'll get through this." I broke down and loud, hard sobs escaped my throat. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I screamed. Dad just heled me and comforted me. It was back. I was the 'cancer girl again.'


I was moaning at the boys for snooping in my room. Seriously we need to set some boundaries. I was about to shove them out of my room when I heard a loud and over-powered scream. It belonged to Sky, the boys looked at me and ran downstairs, with me quickly following in pursuit. I saw Dad holding her tightly, he also looked like he was about to cry, but I couldn't tell for sure.

"Is everything okay? What happened?" I rushed our barely taking in breaths.

"Julie there's some-" Dad started to explain but Sky interrupted her.

"It's nothing don't worry. Just Carrie and her clan again online, plus it's shark week ya know?" I swear to god, I'm gonna kill Carrie, she just gives me more and more of a reason everyday to hate her.

"Don't scare me like that. I thought you had gotten hurt." I let out a sigh of relief.


I swear to god something else was up with Sky. I could see it in her eyes, she was holding something back, but then again I had just met her, Julie would know if there was something wrong. I just shrugged it off.

"What's shark week?" I whispered to Luke who just facepalmed.


The band and Julie had gone back upstairs and I looked over to Dad who gave me a confused look, I knew what he was wondering and I decided to intercept with a question.

"What stage?" I asked, I had gotten to a 3 before, but then I recovered after that.

"2. It's early but they fear it might not be early enough to catch it." Dad replied, looking at the kitchen counter, "Why did you lie to Julie Sky?" Ah that's what I guessed he was thinking.

"Dad just do me a favour and let me tell Jules? She just got back into music and is a finally happy again, I don't want to ruin that." Dad gave me a disapproving look, "I just just need to find the perfect way to tell her, I promise it will be soon okay?" I added, he replied with a nod. With that I felt emotionally drained and went to bed early, missing dinner.

In the morning, I was awoke by Jules shaking me awake.


"Julie Molina I swear to god. What's the time?" I replied.



"Just get out of bed come on. I'll pay for Starbucks and then we can pick up Taylor alright?" She stated earning a groan and a death stare from me.


"Where is she?" I muttered to myself, then chuckled as she burst through the door with Flynn by her side. I rushed over to her, "perfect timing." I smiled.

"Look who spent all of her daddy's money on Katy Perry's choreographer." Flynn exclaimed with an annoyed tone, looking over and Carries dance group.

"Well it paid off." Me and Julie said at the same time.

We stood there for a while when I heard a whooshing sound and the boys appeared next to me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Julie whisper-shouted to the boys.

"We wanna see you stick it too the man, right boys?" Luke said staring at Julie. Me and Alex exchanged looks. It was so obvious that they like each other there chemistry was undeniable.

"Man I miss high school." Reggie looked like he was in a trance staring at Carrie's group. A twinge of jealousy rippled through me. Reggie then turned his head to me and his face turned into shock, he looked as if he was almost ashamed of speaking to them like that. I winked at him and I saw his cheeks turning red, which made me chuckle.

Turns out I had missed a lot of conversation because next thing I knew, I was on stage with Julie by my side.


Sometimes I think I'm falling down
I wanna cry, I'm callin' out
For one more try
To feel alive

And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark
And find the spark

Life is a risk but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together I think that we can make it
Come on lets run and

(Sky, Julie and Boys)

Rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever
And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever


And times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head
With nothing left
I feel something around me now
So unclear lifting me out
I found the ground I'm marching on


Life is a risk but we will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together I think that we can make it
Come on lets run and

(Sky, Julie and boys)

Rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever
And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever


The times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head
With nothing left

(Sky and Luke)

And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark, and find the spark

(Sky, Julie and Boys)

And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever


A/N- Hi guys! Thank you so much for 15 readers, I know it's not a lot at all, but it does mean a lot to me. I apologise for not updating, it's just that I've had a lot going on, so I decided that I'm going to just give you a really long chapter to make up for it.

Vote and comment! Love you all :)

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