Chapter One- The Build-up

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Things hadn't been the same since she died, Julie and I used to be so close, like best friends, Dad used to go around with a smile everywhere. Of course his smile wasn't as good as hers, hers used to bright up the room every single time she walked in. They were like rays of sunshine instantly illuminating her happiness. I would do anything to see her again. For her to tell me that is was going to be okay, that I could get through it. Ever since I was diagnosed nothing came easy, I was in and out of the hospital, missing weeks and months of school work, I got pushed back. They said, "It wasn't my fault but they had to do what was necessary." So even though I'm one year older than Julie, I'm in her grade. And my class mates never think to remind of a fact that, I've failed. They aren't aware of diagnosis you see, so being cruel just comes naturally to them, I have to admit, I'm not un-popular per-se but they definitely do speak their mind on me.

I looked across my room at the wall in which my guitar was mounted. It had heaps of dust submerging it you could barely see the faded stickers that hung near the strings. I hadn't touched anything to do with music since mum got sick, as for the music program at my school, well I just write songs and submit them which is just enough fore them to keep me in. I wanted to stay in, I still had my passion for music, but every time I even think about touching that guitar, it reminds me about the past year, and its too hard.

My thoughts were interrupted when a soft knock sounded on the door.

"Come in."

Jules walked in, a soft smile on her face.

"Hey Sky, I'm cleaning out mom's studio, wanna help?"

"Let me guess dad 'wouldn't know where to start' and 'we're the experts?'" I replied

"Yup." She gave a soft chuckle which I returned.


We reached the entrance of our mom's studio, hesitant to walk in, we hadn't been there since mom died and the room was covered in dust particles. I walked up to mom's old guitar whilst Jules walked up to the grand piano that was sitting in front of the room. I was deep in thought, remembering the memories I had with Julie and mom, when I heard Julie sigh deeply. I whisked my head around to see Julie look up towards the ceiling.

"I'm so sorry mom, that I haven't been here." She was suddenly made aware of presence and cleared her throat, "Hey Sky, can you start in the loft, Dad said that the old instruments need a new home."

"Sure." I climbed up the ladder and  looked around, it was really dark and the only light source came from a small window that was placed on the back wall. I took my phone out so I could use the torch to see. I picked up an old box that looked like it had been there for decades and a small case slipped out. I set the box down when I saw it was a CD case, It was black and had white writing on it. It held the words, 'Sunset Curve' in weird lettering.

"What did you find Sky?" Julie asked confusion dripping from her voice. I looked up realising that I had been standing there looking at the CD for about 2 minutes.

"I don't know lets  find out." I walked over to the CD player and shoved it in, pressing play as the sound of instruments filled up the room, I had to admit, this 'Sunset Curve' knew their stuff, could've added a better riff to the pre-chorus though. I was pulled from my trance as the sound of screams burst my  eardrums, I looked over to Jules to see if she could hear it as well or if I was just going crazy, but sure enough, she had her hands clasped over her ears as well and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Is this supposed to be part of the song?" I shouted loudly over at Julie, who was clenching her ears tight.

"I don't think so." She shouted back.


A/N- Hi guys! This is my first story so I'm not quite sure about it. The chapter is very long so I'm trying to cut back on them.

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