Battle Tendency 20

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Caesar opened his eyes, clenching his fist in determination, snapping back into reality, his purple and orange headband flying in the breeze.


"Caesar's hatred transformed." Lisa Lisa narrated..."Animosity became pride for his father and the rest o his family." They saw Caesar entering the great Iron Gate.

"So Caesar picked up where is father had left off." Joseph realized. "He wants to avenge his father. Forgive me Caesar." He muttered ashamed. "Accept my apology for having insulted you and your family. But you know a trap is waiting for you. You must have a plan to destroy Kars. I have changed my mind! If the battle must begin then so be it. I am right behind you, Caesar Zeppeli! Lisa Lisa can we go now?" Shouted the brunette enthusiastically as she shook her head chuckling.

"Very well, Messina, Joseph...We are following after Y/N and Caesar!" She exclaimed.

Meanwhile Caesar observed the yard. Only one set of footprints left in last night's snow. He noticed as the door slammed open, startling him as he saw something in the door frame but it instantly vanished.

"What? I swear I saw someone!" Caesar mumbled. "Am I seeing things? Not that is not an illusion! What the hell is that?" He questioned himself as it suddenly dashed towards him.

"Caesar?" You called out to him concerned as it disappeared from view.

"It has vanished again!" the blond exclaimed. "One moment I see it, the next I cannot.... But I know it is here! He is within a few steps. Does Kars have a new trick? No, the Sun is too strong! There is no way he could survive out here!" Sweat tickled down his pale skin.

"Caesar!" You shouted again, stomping though the snow. "Wait for me! Going alone is madness!"

"Do not come any closer Y/N!" He ordered. "I cannot move, let alone go inside. Something is lurking near the entrance!"

"Oh really?" You tilted your head to the side observing your surroundings. "A footprint!" you warned the Zeppeli. "I t is jumping! It is attacking from above." Your and his eyes widened.

"It is Wamuu!" Caesar screamed as the sun blinded you the pillar man used his chance kicking you swiftly knocking the air out of your lungs and puncturing a single point in your spine before he dragged you into their hideout, it all happened in a blink of an eye.

"Caesar!" You muttered before losing consciousness as the door slammed shut!

"Y/N!!" Caesar fell to the ground blood gushing out of his right arm, tainting the snow red, Wamuu managed to cut him. "What the hell? That was Wamuu, Could both Wamuu and Kars be n there? But how? How could Wamuu survive exposed to the sun? Is it his transparent appearance?"

Then the door opened again making Caesar jump back on his feet.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu