Chapter Sixteen

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Remus had found that he didn't like people touching Sirius all that much. He never had, but now they were boyfriends - the word sounded new and unfamiliar, but he liked it - this dislike was amplified tenfold. Not hand-shaking, or back-patting, or hair-ruffling, or anything of that sort.

And he had also found that he had an especially rough time containing this fact.

So when Gryffindor won their Saturday morning match, absolutely thrashing Slytherin, he was not enjoying himself even half as much as he'd have liked to.

The Gryffindor common room milled with students of all houses and years - even lower year Slytherins, come to see the legendary team. Music blared from speakers dotted around, snacks littered the carpet and red Solo cups full of miscellaneous liquids were sat on every available surface. Much to Remus' objection, people were swarming Sirius. As they always did.

Jumping on him, hugging him, giving him jokingly sloppy kisses on his cheek, messing up his hair, high fiving him - and he loved it. He had to admit, the ecstatic grin on his boyfriend's face made it almost worth it, so he tried to ignore it. He tried to just sit there and drink his butterbeer and not watch but he could hear it. He could hear the "Well done, Black!" and the "Fuck yeah, Sirius mate!" and the slap on the back and the hug.

And he knew that whenever he went near Sirius in the next few days, he'd be able to smell them on him. In his bed, on his clothes, in his hair.

The fact that it was almost the full moon was not helping Remus' case at all.

His grip on his drink grew tighter. Get a grip, Moony. The worse he felt, the more heightened his senses became and he knew this. He wasn't trying to make it any harder for himself because Merlin, it was hard to bloody watch.

All of a sudden, two girls in the year below ambushed Sirius from either side, and to Remus' horror kissed him on each cheek. At the same time.

In one quick move, he flung his drink down on the table and walked towards the three, grabbing Sirius and pushing him behind him. The girls stopped giggling.

"Woah, Moons, alright there, love?"

He whirled around, teeth gritted, as the party continued around them. He leaned down to Sirius' ear.

"You're mine, Pads."

Sirius was just as shocked as the two girls, who had got bored and wandered off, but at the same time all of his blood seemed to be rushing downwards because Remus was flushed and he had a bruising grip on his hip and he was calling him his...

"I sure am, Moony. All yours."

All Remus did was glance back at the party, and they both knew he couldn't take it anymore.


Winding through the throng of laughing, chatting, dancing and drinking students, he pulled Sirius up the staircase and into their dorm room, locking the door behind him. Sirius' breath quickened - he had never seen Remus this possessive before. Rather taken aback, he attempted to ask what was going on, but was interrupted by his boyfriend throwing up silencing charms.

Silencing charms? What-

Before he had the chance to think much more, Remus was shoving him to the wall, attacking his mouth and tugging at his clothes, almost as though he were compensating for all the years of being so close but never touching.

"I need to get their fucking scents off you, Si, now- now," he growled.

Sirius had absolutely no idea what he was on about, but figured it was some werewolf thing. He didn't particularly care, either, because Remus was taking his clothes off, holy shit, Merlin, he's taking my clothes off, is this heaven? Have I died and gone to heaven?

And in that moment, he wouldn't have even complained.

Pretty soon they'd got all of his clothes off, in a pile on the floor, and Remus was attacking Sirius' neck and shoulders and he'd felt his teeth so many times he thought he would probably pass out from the sheer intensity of it all.

"You're mine, Sirius. Promise me."

"Fuck- I'm yours. I'm yours, holy shit, Moons."

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