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That morning, they decided that dean and Cas would visit the crime scene, while Sam did more research. Cas had a lot to learn when I can toy hunting still, Sam and Dean thought I would be a good educational moment.

Dean walked through crime to see if he picked up any EMF on the scanner " hey Cas?... If you don't mind me asking, what's going on in heaven right now that's got you all stressed out?" Cas looked up at his concerned friend and sighed " ever since the apocalypse didn't happened, my brothers and sisters seemed lost. They are in desperate need of a leader and they all look to me. I told them to do what they want and be free. None of them understand the concept of freedom though."Cas said with deep worry in his ocean blue eyes" why does It have to be you they look up too though?" Dean said walking slow scanning the objects around him. " Dean, you don't understand it is my fault they are lost and confused and I-" he began to say but was interrupted by dean. " Cas this isn't your fault, we... you save millions of people they should be thankful." Castiel just look at the floor again.

"I got nothing!" Dean said. " let's go back to the room" Cas said and grabbed Dean.


"Damm it, you got to warn me before you zap me around cas. I'm gonna take a shower" Dean said hopping up from his bed.
Castiel was left with his thoughts about heaven, and what to do. Slow his  head was flooding with dean, his slightly crooked nose, his green eyes that were more vibrant and beautiful than emeralds. The delicate blue ring that outlined the captivating green with hints of brown and yellow. His eyes where a forest filled with tall and lively trees. And the deeper you walked in the more enticing they became. His soft and full lips....
'No, deans lips? What am I thinking about!'
The more that Castiel resisted the thoughts the more he wanted them. His heart ached. Castiel didn't know this feeling, so he was afraid of this ache he felt.
"Sam?" Castiel asked. "What is it Cas"
" I don't know, my stomach feels strange and my chest hurts."Cas said shaking a bit and confused.
" you are you hurt? Here.... uh sit down."Sam said worried. " I don't believe I am hurt, But I feel strange. Like my brain if fuzzy and my heart is beating fast."Cas explained. Sam smirked at the angels words. "Are you thinking about someone or something?" Sam asked tilting his head and raising his eyebrows. "No" Cas said a bit to quickly. " right" Sam said sarcastically.
"Whatcha talking about?" Dean said walking out of the bathroom. Castiel blushed a bit at the sight of deans wet and messy hair.

"Nothing, really" Sam said. Cas sighed knowing his conversation with Sam was over. "Alright" Dean said shrugging.
" we got anything about the case?" Dean asked. "Actually yeah, a monster from Philippine folklore called a mandurugo. I hunts unsuspecting men and sucks their blood at night with their hollow tongue." Sam responded. " what about his girlfriend?" Castiel asked. " I don't know that might just be a coincident, I mean it would explain they there were no signs of a break in. A man who just lost someone he loves and drowns himself in alcohol and women." Sam reply's. " alrighty, how do we kill the bitch" dean claps and rubs his hands together. " it says here, just like a vamp, cute it's head off."" What are we waiting for let's slice and dice!" Dean says exited.

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