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"Yes , baby! Ohhhhhhh look at this beauty!" Dean exclaimed like a child on Christmas. " Dean what the hell is that?" Sam asked with the most confused and concerned face ever "um.... isn't it obvious?! It's the best most awesome pie on the face of this planet!" Dean said. "one of these days your going to have a heart attack and I'm just going to laugh." Sam said while laughing a bit and shaking his head.

They were staying in this shitty little motel. You could her everything from a crying child to the couple just a few doors down. The floors were coldly and dirty, and their beds looked like they were going to fall apart at any second. And deans bed did, when Dean sat down, the beds leg snapped in half and dropped, causing his perfect and delicious pie to splat on the floor. "son of a bitch!" He shouted and Sam just laughed at him for a good five minutes. "Shut up." Dean said through his teeth and Sam just continued to laughs Sitting up in his chair In front of his computer.

"Oh...... oh ow oh my god that was amazing." Sam started to settle down and sank into his chair again. "we got anything?"Dean asked still angry. "actually, yeah but I'm not to sure about it, it seems like a case but there are things I have never seen before." Sam said. "how do you mean"Dean questioned. "well a man was killed in his apartment in New York City, and all his doors were locked and the alarm never went off." "Sammy, that's a simple salt and burn." "no but get this all the blood was drained from him. So maybe a vampire." Sam said extremely interested and curiously. "well guess it time to head to the big city!" Dean said standing up grabbing his things.


"Hello Dean." A raspy deep voice said from the back of the impala. The cars swerved as Sam and Dean both gasped at the random arrival of their angle friend. "Jesus cas, don't do that!" Dean said with an angry and tense voice. "Sor...sorry Dean I didn't mean to.." "ya ya it's fine just don't do it. Why are you here?" Dean asked still a bit tense after almost crashing his baby. "well I um.... I haven't been on a hunt with you in some time and I thought I needed a break from heaven." Cas said awkwardly. "o.. okay well great the more the merrier" Dean turned up the music and pressed the pedal to the floor. During the car ride Sam had told Cas about the case.

They arrived at their hotel. Sam thought they deserve a nicer one this time. So he booked it in the car ride there. It wasn't cheap but it was worth every dollar. Dean was very excited to see their room so he sprinted down the halls until they got to the door. "don't you just love the sent of fresh hotel room" Dean said exhaling and opening the door. Cas look at him funny "no why would I like that?" Dean just rolled his eyes in response. "whatever".

They walked into the room and unpack their stuff on the two very soft and comfortable beds compare to the other motels beds. Cas just walked in behind them and sat on the small but cozy couch. He had magnificent posture but seemed a bit tense when dean look over at him. He started to pick at his seeming always well ironed pants. Sam went in the bathroom. "hey Cas you alright" Dean asked have half joking half concerned. "of course dean, I'm fine thank you"  "okay..." Dean said still concerned. He was going to asked more but Sam walked out of the bathroom. "Do you guys want some food" Sam asked. Dean harshly nodded, he hadn't eaten anything today because of the pie incident. " great I I'll order a pizza or something"

The phone rang in their room Sam walk over to answer. "pizza is here" he whispered and left to get it from the front desk.

The room was silent and cas still sat there picking at his pants. " you know if you keep doing that your gonna get holes in your pants" Dean smiled. Cas stopped and look up at dean who was laying back on the bed picking up the tv remote. Cas stood up and walk to sit on the bed next to dean. "are you sure your alight? You seem stressed out man." Dean looked at Cas but Cas didn't look back he sighed and closed his blue eyes. "um yeah, it's just heaven so much is going on up there and I can't help but feel like it's my fault" he said finally look open into deans deep green eyes that he could get lost in if he explored too much. "it's alight buddy you'll get things up and running again." Dean said patting his friend on the back. "just let this hunt clear your head, you know me or Sammy are also here for you to talk to, okay" he said with a softy and reassuring voice that instantly made Cas feel a little better.

Sam busted into the room holding a pizza and a small paper bag. Sam look to see Cas and dean just looking at each other. "Hey guys.... whatcha doing?" Cas was deep in the forest that was deans eyes, when sams arrived and pulled him out. Dean watched as Cas stood and sat back down on the couch. " nothing, we're fine Sammy." Dean said. "You sure?" Sam said raising his eyebrows. "Yes Sam!  Just give me the damm pizza".

Dean put some weird show the tv about mole rats and cas sat listening deeply. When they had finish their food and the show was over it was late. Sam yawned and stretched his large moose arms into the air "I'm gonna hit the hay I think." Sam said drowsy. "what hay? Sam that would be incredibly difficult, we are not near any farms" Castiel said straight faced. "no Cas, it means I'm going to sleep" Dean said giggling a bit. "I don't understand what does hay have to do with sleeping?" Cas said to dean. "Cas..... you know what never mind."

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