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I'm changing this story to Sapnap x Karl x Quackity so if you don't like that then leave immediately.

(Karl's POV)
After a good nights sleep dreaming about Sapnap, Karl finally woke up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking around at his surroundings and realising how bored and lonely he was. He went on his phone to check the time only to find a message from Sapnap on his phone waiting for him.

Hey Karl, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to do a stream today with me and Quackity. It's fine if not, but I would really like it if you could.

Karl read the message and his stomach started fluttering with butterflies. He saw this as a chance to actually ask him to come over to his house. Even though the past times he had said no, that's because it was in a joking matter. If he asked this time properly without joking, then maybe he would say yes. So he messaged Sapnap back with a response.

Sure! I would love to stream with you today and also could I ask you something?

Karl waited for a few seconds before the bubbles for typing appeared in the corner of the screen. Karl's heart started racing and that's when he sent the message that Karl had been wishing to happen for ages...


Karl started jumping up and down on his bed with a big smile on his face. They could discuss it more on the live stream with Quackity, but for now, he actually had someone to smile about. He ran into his bathroom and removed the hair from his face to reveal his pale eye staring back at him. How he wished that his soulmate would be Sapnap. How he longed for his heart to forever belong to Sapnap. He took a quick shower and the exited and dried his hair. He then put on his signature purple hoodie with all the silly shapes and patterns that he loved, before placing some jogging bottoms on his lower torso before setting up his PC to stream.

Once everything was ready he began to stream, however he forgot that Quackity would be there as well.

"Hey Sapnap! I'm excited to see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah Karl, I'm excited to see you to!"

"Wait, what are you guys talking about?" Quackity replied in an auto tuned voice that he forgot to remove from the last stream, putting all the boys in hysterics.

"Sapnap is coming down to my house, and I was actually going to ask him if he wanted to sleep over for a few days, like a sleepover. Quackity, you can come if you want!"

"Thanks guys," Quackity said ", but I don't think my mum would let me, I would honestly have to ask her."

"Ok! You go and ask your mum and we'll keep your stream entertained, and yes, I will sleep over at yours Karl" Sapnap said.

After about 15 minutes of keeping each of their streams entertained, Quackity entered his stream again.

"Ok guys, my mum said I could go, but I will be 1 day late if that's ok will you guys."

Karl and Sapnap both liked the idea of that, especially Karl as it meant he had a whole day with Sapnap and a night with him too. They all started doing their main task for the stream, before ending the stream and talking on discord about what they were going to do on the days that all the boys were there.

Once it got late, Sapnap and Quackity had to leave, so they said their goodbyes and ended the call. Karl lay down on his bed and covered his face with his hand. He was so glad that his camera was broken so they couldn't see the redness of his face, or his cloudy eye.

His entered his bathroom and looked in the mirror at his blushing face and rosy red cheeks. He had to keep a hold of himself when the two boys were here. However, on the call with Quackity, Karl saw him in a different way. He was funny, but also kind and loud but also quiet. He couldn't like two people, could he...?

Yes, I have decided to continue this series, however I will be making changes to the plot, like adding quackity and making it a different ship. Thank you for reading my story.

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