4 shades of duck

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Duck instinctively ran to the edge of the pond. "LEAVE DAPHNE, I DONT WANT YOU HERE!" Duck screamed. Daphne looked up at duck with a plain black look in her eyes. Her brown feathers twitching ever so gracefully. "Duck," she said in a silky tone,"duck come to me..."
duck was shocked. What was he to do. Daphne betrayed him and took his beloved ducklings away. Daphne was a horrible hen a truly dastardly one at that. Yet even knowing this his eyes were drawn to her like a bull to red cloth. His lust thickened. Slyly he waddled towards her. He pressed his beak against her feathery chest. Nozzleing it slightly.
"Quackkk! Quackkkk!" Daphne moaned, "Quackkkk!". Duck felt hope. Maybe daphne wanted him back, maybe he could finally go home to his children, he could finally-
"Quick *quackkkk* kids grab *quackk*it now!" Daphne yelled between moans. Duck looked quickly behind him. THEY WERE STEALING HIS BREAD! Before duck could could act upon his urges daphne flew high up. Her eyes went back to being just as Icy as before. Plain black with no sparkle and definitely no love. Duck looked behind him. There his two children stood proudly.
"Why would you two do this to me! Why would you choose your back stabbing mother over your loyal and trusting father? What did I do to you that warrants you to steal my bread? How do I deserve such blatant disrespect?" The two ducklings looked each other in the eyes and turned towards their father. Their eyes were just as icy as their mothers were.
"You deserve it dad..." dedoid said. Ducks eyes widened,
"What have I done?!?!" He yelled. Persephone looked duck straight in the eyes. She giggled then said,
"You have a stupid name dad, mom told us... your real name isn't duck it's-" dedoid silenced her.
"We must leave now sister,with the bread, as mother has already left." Duck couldn't believe it. Daphne had told them all his true name. Duck vowed to himself his kids would never know the shame of his name. Daphne had broken this sacred vow and now duck wanted revenge!
Duck waddled just slightly forwards however some thing terrible happened...

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