Chapter 1: And history is rewritten

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April 7th 1945

Time: Unknown

Location: South China Sea, enroute to the island for Okinawa.

Yamato got bombarded countless times by the US carrier strike planes. The pilots are determined to sink the Japanese Super Battleship to the bottom of the ocean, once and for all.

Her situation is realised by her last captain, Kōsaku Aruba. Her "life" is barely holding on as she is slowly listing to port. After three waves of non-stop air attacks from the US Carrier Fleet, her situation to everyone on board became very obvious: she is going to sink.

Many surviving crews on the deck began to scramble hopelessly as the Yamato slowly lists to port, some jumped off into the water, only to get caught by the capsizing ship later on. Others who decided to simply out-run the list barely held on to anything that is pretruding from the deck. Some were lucky enough to climb up the listing ship, others met their last minutes from loosing their grip.

All nearby escort ships, including Yukikaze, watched helplessly as the massive super battleship listed further, later turning into a capsize. But what would come next would literally shock the crews on board of the surviving escort ships. A few moments after Yamato had capsized, her life finally ended with one last, but loud, bang.


An explosion so loud that it literally broke the massive, heavily armored hull into two halves. Her captain also became the victim as the explosion also ripped the iconic super structure out of its place. It is as though, fate had already placed an outcome for the battleship.

However, it's not over till it's over as fate does have other plans.

As the pieces of the now obliterated Super Battleship slowly sinks towards the seabed of the South China Sea, they slowly got enveloped in bright light, as though she is being healed. Slowly, the light grew in intensity until it is even visible from the surface from where she had sank. Then, as the mysterious light faded out, the wreck disappeared as well, never to be seen again.

August 5th 1946

Location: Pacific Ocean enroute to Pearl Harbour

Time: 2:45 pm

The American fast battleship USS Missouri is already heading back to Pearl Harbour for some naval training exercises that she is ordered to conduct. She is already refitted with better computing systems as well as better targeting systems. Her captain knew that no nations, not even Britain, could out-match Missouri or any other Iowa Class Fast Battleships in terms of modernity, armaments, and technological advancements.

But her age of dominance is slowly coming to an end. In every part of the world, research and development agencies of each developed nations began to develop new missiles and jets are now becoming the new norm of air supremacy. But that age is still a long way from where she is now as those two modern weapon concepts are still new and still untested to the First-World Nations. The captain knew that it is a matter of time until "that" age will come and replace the Mighty Mo entirety.

Then, out of the blue, Missouri is slowly enveloped by storm clouds. This shocked the captain since the storm should not have appeared at such rates, let alone appearing at the wrong time of the year.

Within the storm, the light began to slowly swallow up the massive US Battleship. Then, as it grew in intensity, the captain and those I nthe bridge had to close their eyes just so that they would not get blind by some mysterious light. And then, as suddenly as it appeared, the light faded out and the storm clouds dissipates out into a clear sky, with the Missouri vanished without a trace.

And God only knows where the Missouri is.......

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