Part Fourteen: White

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(when you see *** play the song)

(i posted a teaser chapter for the sequel to this book. go read it!)

(yes i wrote my friends into this chapter, it's just a few sentences, calm down)


On the night before their wedding, Xiao went back to Mondstadt to see the anemo archon.

There was one overarching issue with a Liyue adeptus traveling to the land of freedom: he had absolutely no clue where he was going.

He did not tell Aether that he was leaving, for he was deep in sleep when he decided on going. Aether had been hard at work, organizing the wedding reception with the help of Zhongli. Of course, Zhongli was working separate from the funeral parlor's official duties. There was something eerie about the idea of a funeral parlor planning a wedding.

Xiao found himself at the peak of Starsnatch Cliff. He found Venti there, shoulder to shoulder with a girl who he had never seen before. She had long red curls, and an anemo vision hanging from her hip. Her head was resting on his shoulder.


"Shh!" Venti brought a finger to his lips, quieting the adeptus. Xiao rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he waited for the bard to excuse himself. "Can you not see I'm busy, Xiao? I'm clearly on a date!" He whisper shouted, leaning in close to his face. "And it's going pretty well, if I do say so myself!"

Xiao could not physically bring himself to care less. His mind was too preoccupied with the conversation he had to have with the anemo archon. "I am getting married tomorrow."

"What!? You're just telling me now? I need to find a date, I need to tell everyone else at the tavern, this is so exciting! Wait-" Venti was rambling, but paused suddenly, eying Xiao closely. "You are marrying Aether, right?"

"Yes, I am." Xiao looked down at the ground, embarrassed by the entire interaction. Venti was overjoyed, even though he was not clearly expressing it. They were a perfect balance to each other, two sides of the same coin. Venti represented everything Xiao wanted deep inside: pure, unbridled positivity, and the ability to always see the good in a situation. Xiao represented Venti's serious side he kept buried deep within him; he was willing to lay down his life for his people in Mondstadt. 

"Well then, adeptus, what are we doing to celebrate? It better be drinking at the tavern." 

"Please, no."

"Okay, it's settled! Emma, we're going to Angel's Share!" Venti called to the mystery girl, who immediately perked up at the sound of alcohol. She had an infectious energy, and it bounced around with Venti's in perfect sync. Though they were both of drinking age, they did not act the part.

Even through much groveling, the trio found themselves at the door of the tavern, and Venti barged in as though he owned the place. Diluc, and the waitress serving drinks both looked up. The waitress also donned an anemo vision, a small pendant hanging from her neck. Emma ran up to the waitress, embracing her, and they spoke as though they had been friends forever. Diluc, however, was underwhelmed by his least favorite bard making an appearance, and more so intrigued by the out-of-place adeptus he had in tow.

"Venti, who's your friend?" Diluc crossed his arms.

"This guy-" he grabbed at Xiao's shirt, causing his face to grow red, "-is an adeptus. He's getting married tomorrow, and drunk tonight!"

"I am not getting drunk. I only came to pass along an invitation to Aether's friends in Mondstadt. Are you Diluc?"

"That's me." Diluc grabbed the slip of paper offered to him, eyeing it over before calling his waitress over. "Emily! Come here, princess." The brown haired girl walked over and rested against the bartender, reading over the invitation for herself. 

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