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(Jakes POV)

I quickly ran over to y/n and pick her up. "Jake now we can be together!"cho said.

"Leave me alone or I'm calling the police cho!"I yelled.

"I'm sorry..I'll talk to you later jake!" Cho said while running away.

"Y/n y/n!"I said while shaking y/n vividly.

I picked y/n up and ran to my house.
(Y/n POV)

"Mm" I woke up.

"Where am I?"I thought to myself as I looked around.

"Ah y/n your awake!"Jake said while running up to me.

"What are you doing? Where's cho?"

"Oh cho is got knocked out for a second"Jake said.

"Oh" I said while rubbing my head

"Don't ever do that again..okay! I told you to always be by my side"jake said while hugging me.

I froze feeling so many different emotions sad, happy, and mad.

"Oh? Your not pulling back?"jake questioned

I was silence and just laid my head on his shoulder.

"Y/n?"jake said

A tear drop out of my eye.

"Don't ruin the mood idiot"I said.

Jake just sat there and petted my head as I laid on him.

"I'm sorry y/n"

"Don't bring it up..or it'll ruin my mood"I said.

"Yes sir!!"jake said

"Shut up your so dumb"I said hitting him.

"Ow ow how could you hurt such a prince like me??"

"Shut up your nothing but a fool"I said while laughing.

"Say that one more time"jake said.

"Fool fool"I said

Jake suddenly carried me and drop me on his bed playfully.

"Ow what's wrong with you?"I said while rubbing my head.

Jake suddenly pushed me flat down on his bed and put his face right in front of mines.

"Call me it again"jake said while pinning my hand down on the bed.

"Tsk what are you doing you damn fool!?"I said

"You called me it again"jake said

He suddenly kissed me.

We kissed for 15 seconds and stopped to catch our breath.

"Jake.."I said

We sat there for a while just looking at each other awkwardly..

"Woww I'm tired..let's go to sleep"jake said.

We fell asleep really fast.


(Jake POV)

I woke up to someone vividly shaking me..

"Mmm"I groaned

I opened my eyes and seen y/n "wake up it's time for school"y/n said

"Okay okay I'm getting up"I said as I went to the bathroom.

I did my morning routine and looked outside to see y/n gone.

"Why would y/n just leave..?"I said

(Y/n POV)

"Gosh what is wrong with me."I said as I rushed to school.
I got to school and sat at my seat and sighed, cho walked in the classroom but surprisingly didn't say anything to me.

"Uhm hi..y/n"some boy came up to me and said.

"Oh um hi..who are you?" I said

"Oh I'm taehyun"he said

"Oh.."I said.

"You seemed very cool that day..I never seen that side of you I liked it actually"taehyun said.

"Oh..really?thanks?"I said awkwardly

"I know this sounds weird but..please be my friend from now on!"taehyun said

Before I could answer I seen Jake walked into the room glaring at me and taehyun, it was a scary glare.

"Oh um yes..I guess we're friends now..?"I said awkwardly as I switched my attention to taehyun.

"Okay!"he smiled.

"Ill get going to my seat now..see you later!"taehyun said as he walked off.

I sighed and just sat there thinking about taehyun.

"Why would he want to be my friend..?"I thought.

I looked over to Jake and seen him glaring at me with a cold look.

"What's his problem..?"I thought

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