New Years

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Everyone has their own reason that they celebrate New Years', and how they celebrate it. Most US citizens ring in the new year by watching the ball drop. Everyone has their own reason for watching it. Kitty watches it because she likes all of the outfits of the performers. Anna watches it because she wants the planet fitness discounts. Jane enjoys the music. Aragon watches it because she feels the need to keep an eye on everyone. Cathy watches it because Aragon makes her. And then there's Anne, who watches it to look at the ads. Not the ads in between the Livestream. No the ads in time square. Every year she picks a theme, last year it was tv shows/movies...she counted 24 ads. This year it was Broadway......

I actually watched the ball drop just to see the ads....I saw Beetlejuice and Six ads for sure. I also think I saw Mean Girls and Frozen but I'm not 100% sure on that.

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