Chapter 29: Circe Elphick

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I didn't get to spend a lot of time with Alicia because she spent most of the time with Antoine, which is reasonable.

I knew that the new school year would start soon after Alicia left. To be exact it would start the week after.

Luckily, my mum already got my new books.

I only had to pack my trunk now. I didn't want to go back to Beauxbatons. I wasn't really looking forward to it.

Today was the last day before I would go back and I haven't really started packing my stuff.

My clothes were all over the floor and after some procrastination I finally started folding everything together and putting in my trunk.

The piles of clothes became smaller and as I was nearly finished my glance stopped at a special item.

I looked at the scarf for quite awhile. I remember how Fred gave it to me on my birthday. I still didn't know what the situation was between us and all I can say is that I don't like it.

I quickly threw the scarf into my trunk before closing it.

I spent the rest of the afternoon downstairs talking to my mum and Antoine about the upcoming year.

I apparated to the carriage that would take us to Beauxbatons the next morning after saying goodbye to my mum, dad and brother.

It was weird going back to Beauxbatons, especially because it was the first year Fleur wasn't coming along.

I spent most of the time sitting alone reading a romance book my mum found at a Muggle shop. It was really interesting and I got quite far.

As soon as we arrived we went to the dining chamber.

As I made my way inside, I remembered a sentence I read last year "The Palace of Beauxbatons was built in around the in the south of , in the . It was surrounded by formal gardens and lawns out of the mountainous landscape by "

It seemed like I just now realised how beautiful it actually was.

I sat down at one of the tables, waiting for Madame Maxime's usual speech.

"Hello" a blonde girl sat next to me. At first I didn't get why people were looking weird at her until I realised that she spoke English. I felt like I saw her before somewhere.

"Uhm hey" I said awkwardly

"I am Circe Elphick" she introduced herself

"Hey I am Y/N Y/L/N" I smiled

"I know" she smiled "I know that you are probably wondering why I'm speaking English right? Well my dad is English and my mum is French. I grew up in England though but well we moved to France this summer! And well I remembered you from last year and thought that I would talk to you"

"So you transferred from Hogwarts?" I asked again to make sure

"Yeah! I didn't really want to though because it is my last year but we had to! I was in Hufflepuff and my twin brother, who is sitting somewhere" she said as she looked around "he was in Slytherin! Oh his name is Lee by the way! I mean not the Lee Jordan though of course" she explained, talking really fast

"It's nice to meet you," I said. I was happy in that moment, because I was a bit scared about being alone all year but Circe might be a good friend.

"I usually don't talk to people but you always looked so nice" Circe continued

"Thank you" I smiled "So where in France do you live?"

"I live in Paris in a loft with my family! My family owned it for quite a few years and you can see the Eiffel tower through the windows" she told me exciting

I talked to Circe during dinner and waited for her to get sorted after dinner.

Luckily the houses don't mean a lot here at Beauxbatons and we still sleep in the same dorms.

It even turned out that Circe and I were sharing a dorm so we talked a lot about the differences between the 2 schools.

It was already dark outside when I heard a knock on the window. I opened the curtains to see an owl outside.

I quickly opened the window to let the owl in. As soon as I got a closer look at the owl I immediately realised who sent it.

I took the letter of its leg before I handed the owl one of my biscuits.

I sat down back on my bed and opened the letter


I am sorry that I didn't write to you a lot but I had lots of stuff to do here. I mean it is lots of fun and guess what?

I met someone. Well, it's not just someone. Ok so I first saw him during the third task and well he just wouldn't leave my mind.

But then I saw him at Gringotts and I just had to talk to him. And now we are dating...

Ok I am just gonna tell you. I hope it won't make anything weird though.

You remember how I said that Gingers have something special about them. Well now we both fell for one. I pushed away telling you because honestly I am a bit scared.

Ok so the man I am in love with is none other than Bill Weasley.

Oh god now it's out....

Sending lots of love (I miss you)


I reread the letter quite a few times. Was she really dating Bill Weasley? Like Fred's brother Bill? The thought was quite weird.

I looked over to Circe but saw that she had already fallen asleep.

I was still lost in thoughts when I heard another knock on the window. I opened the curtains once again and saw another owl. Why couldn't they wait until breakfast?

I opened the window again, but as soon as it flew in I recognised the owl once again.

I quickly opened the letter and started to read again.

Hey Y/N,

I thought that this owl might reach you when you are already back at Beauxbatons again so I hope you get it.

There hasn't been a lot going that I could tell you.

The only interesting and sad fact is that one of my friends and colleges went back to England to support his family there.

I kinda miss Bill to be honest but I totally get his point. I miss my little sister tiny bit too

Did you know that his family is pureblood but doesn't believe in stuff like blood? I mean I heard of the Weasleys before, being pureblood, but I never knew that they don't make a bit of a fuss about it. I guess there are still good people out there

I hope that I will be able to visit you on Christmas


The first thing that popped into my mind was: What just happened?

I mean imagine probability that my brother knows Bill Weasley, the boy/ man Fleur is dating, and whose little brother I am datin-

And there I was again thinking about Fred and what he was doing right now.

Deep down I still hope to get a letter one day and that this wasn't just a fling for him.I never thought that someone would become this important in that way for me...

AU PLUS- FredWeasleyXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now