Chapter 8: Just a piece of parchment?

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Your POV

It was the Tuesday after the tournament and I was in the library working on some homework.

I haven't talked to the twins since last Wednesday and I haven't seen Katie and Alicia in a while.

I heard some whispers and turned around to see Katie, Alicia and another girl talking.

And then Katie stood in front of me

"Hey" she said awkwardly

"Hi?!" I said just confused but then she sat down

"Has George been acting weird around you?" she asked out of context

"No I guess! I mean it is nearly a week ago that I saw either one of the twins" I answered her confused "Why?"

"Just asking" she told me but I didn't believed her

"Just asking?" I asked while raising my eyebrow

"Maybe he acted weird or something?" Katie tried to explain

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know"

"Has he been acting weird around you or something?" I was still confused by the way Katie asked me all those question

"No and maybe that is the problem" she sighed and I finally realised

"Oh no Katie!" I tried to tell her "George just seemed normal! Why are you worrying? Are you scared that he likes me?"

"Maybe I mean it could be" she said quietly

"Look Katie! If he would be interested in me, I am not interested in him" I assured her "And I don't even think he is"

"Do you maybe know who the girl from the World Cup is?" she asked out of context again

"Why would I know that?" Katie confused me more and more "I didn't know them back then! Why are you acting so weird?" I suddenly asked

"I saw you and the twins the other day" she confessed

"They just wanted to cheer me up" I explained to her "Look I am sorry if I made you feel that way! I never intended that"


"No you know what it was my goal to steal your crush" I joked and I saw Katie chuckled

"Wanna hang out tomorrow?" she then asked

"Of course" I said happy and relieved that she wasn't mad at me in any way even though I felt like she maybe was still insecure about me hanging out with the twins

"Great" she said smiling "I have to leave now but see you tomorrow here at 4?"

"Sounds great" I smiled "See you then"

"Bye" she said before getting up and leaving me

I tried to concentrate on my homework but just minutes later someone sat down across me again.

I looked up and saw that Fred was the person sitting across from me with a weird parchment in his hands.

I wanted to ask him what he was doing just when the liberian stood in front of us.

"What have you done Mr. Weasley?" she asked Fred angry

"I didn't anything" he told me "I was studying with Y/N here"

"Is that true?" the librarian looked at me and I saw that Fred mouthed something like "please"

"Yeah! I just helped him with some of his classes" I lied and she strode off

"What did you do?" I asked Fred after the liberian was out of view

"George and I just pranked Filch and since Mrs. Pince doesn't like him and his cat in the library he probably told him" Fred explained "Thanks for the back-up"

"No problem" I told him when my eyes fell on a weird looking parchment "What is that?" I asked him curious

"What is that?" he then asked looking at my Potions book

"It is my Potions book" I explained to him "Now what is that?" I asked him again

"Just a piece of parchment" Fred simply answered but the way he looked at the parchment seemed like it wasn't just a simple piece of parchment

"Just a piece of parchment?"I raised an eyebrow

"Yes" he tried to sound convincing

"Then you don't mind if I take a look" I quickly grabbed the parchment and saw how Fred tried to whisper something while taping on it with his wand.

But he wasn't fast enough.

"The Marauders Map" I read out loud. I opened the parchment and saw a map.

I looked at Fred confused.

"It is a map of Hogwarts" he confessed "It shows everyone inside of the castle" he said more excited than before "You can spot us in the library"

"This is amazing Fred" I said in excitement "But I can't find the library! Hogwarts still confuses me but this map doesn't make it easier" I looked at him. Our eyes locked and I saw into his hazel eyes.

He broke the eye contact by looking at the table

But then suddenly adrenaline rushed through my body.

"We are just over here" Fred took my hand and moved it to a point on the map. Was this the reason why I felt this kind of adrenaline? Why was I suddenly getting nervous?

I then looked at the map again and saw our 2 names and our not moving footsteps

"That is so cool" I said in amazement

"We gave to Harry last year but we still borrow it sometimes" Fred started to explain filled with excitement "I took ages for us to figure out how it works and how to unlock it"

"Is this why you tried to say something before I stole it out of your hands?"

"Yes" Fred chuckled "You have to tap the map and say a special phrase, the same for closing it"

"Do you know who created this map?" I asked wondering

"It says at the top that it is from Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs" he folded the map back together to show me the names "But we believe that those were just nicknames since we didn't find anything about them! Even Hermione didn't find anything about them!" he sighed

"Guess they didn't want anyone to find out that they created this map" I looked at the names and then up at Fred again "Since when do you have it?"

"George and I found it in Filch's office in our first year" Fred said "And it isn't just good for running away from Filch" he chuckled "We also found out about secret passageways and we are able to see if out little sister is hanging out with a boy"

"You spy on your little sister?"

"She is only 13" Fred laughed

"You are unbelievable" I laughed "Let me guess you spy on each other as well?"

"Well yes! We have to know if the other one of us isn't caught but George is just chilling with Katie in the common room" he chuckled

We talked for what felt like hours and in the end I didn't get any of my homework done.

I caught myself thinking about my posture and the way I talk though. I usually never do this so I was wondering why

"I have to see George now" Fred got up after hours "See you! Au plus!"

"That is not how you say it!" I said annoyed

"I know you told me" he laughed "But it is funny seeing you angry" he said before disappearing behind one of the shelves

AU PLUS- FredWeasleyXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now