Chapter Thirteen: Butterfly

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry,"

And he followed Xisuma, and didn't turn back.

The only thing that remained were two picked yellow flowers, for the keen eye to notice.

I wonder if they'll see...

They always had sharper eyes than me.

Etho was hyped.

Today was going to be eventful.

For once.

He nervously checked the time, waiting for his 'shift' or whatever at the dropspot to be over. Then he could head back to the End City and try out the plan that they'd pieced together. A simple test of magic, but Etho could feel it'd be something special.

He smiled fondly at the flowers. The dropspot he managed was a greenhouse-type-shop, simple, peaceful, and complete with a butterfly garden. Not many people came to the greenhouse, and very few of the people who came had magic.

But other than the occasional person who was there for the dropspot, Etho's 'job' was unexciting.

Midway through watering some bright yellow plants, two people burst through the door.

"Hi!" one with a black tee-shirt with a yellow 'i' on it greeted him. "Do you have a pen?" Etho grinned.

"I'm not sure," the words were engraved into his memory.

"Oh, please don't check," he responded with a smile.

"...Pen?" the other, with messy brown hair and indigo eyes, seemed lost. "I- what?"

"I'm Impulse," the first introduced himself. "And this is Xisuma. And you are...?"

"Etho," he replied. "Welcome to the dropspot."

"I am so lost," Xisuma muttered.

"'Do you have a pen'," Impulse explained. "Is the code sentence for dropspots. If you find a building that you think is a dropspot, you say that to the attendant. For them to confirm that they are actually part of The Missing, they'll respond with 'I'm not sure', and the final confirmation is 'Oh, please don't check.'."

"That's... really smart," Xisuma said with a laugh.

"Why thank you," Etho said. "Who's the leader of your branch?"

"Hels, or Helsknight," Impulse replied. "Not sure which name the records would hold." Etho nodded, then pulled out a book from a drawer behind the front desk.

"Helsknight, alright," Etho mumbled, eyes scanning the page. "Impulse, you're listed. Xisuma isn't."

"Ah, right," Impulse's voice sounded mildly nervous. "Erm... he hasn't actually joined the branch yet. We- or, I- discovered he was gifted around... half an hour ago. Probably less, actually." Etho blinked.

"That's... a new story," he offered. "Okay, then I suppose I'll need proof before allowing him through." Xisuma and Impulse shared a glance.

"Erm..." Impulse mumbled. "He's only used his powers twice, and both were... accidents..."

"What does he have?" Etho asked.

""Void'," Impulse's response sent both of Etho's eyebrows up.

"Okay, I can actually help with this one," he said with a chuckle. "I have enhanced speed, which is similar to Void, because it's travel and force-breaking related. It's kind of weird and complicated, but let's just say I have the smaller, much more pathetic, much less rare version of Xisuma's power."

"Okay," Xisuma said hesitantly. "Erm... what do I do?"

"How has your power been activated in the past?" Etho asked.

"I've triggered it," Impulse explained. "Little instinct shock." Etho nodded.

"Try that again?" he requested. Impulse nodded, then there was a moment of silence.

And then Xisuma leaped back, startled, and crashed into the other side of the room.

"Goodness," Etho mumbled with a small laugh. "Okay, thank you for the confirmation. Right this way, please."

Etho went around to the back of the greenhouse, and there was a trapdoor that led down to the storage area. It was like the greenhouse's basement, but no one was aware of the Nether portal that resided inside. Climbing down the ladder, with Xisuma and Impulse close behind, was tedious, but they arrived at the bottom rather soon.

"Need elytra?" Etho asked.

"Xisuma does," Impulse responded, putting on his own. Etho nodded and handed a spare to Xisuma, who took it gratefully.

"I'll show you how to use them," Impulse promised Xisuma as they approached the portal.

"Alright, have fun you two!" Etho waved them off cheerfully. Impulse smiled and took Xisuma's hand, waving at Etho before stepping into the portal.

The purple misty magic swept the pair away, leaving Etho standing alone.

Now... I wait for my shift to be over.


o7 for poor Etho, who has to 'patiently' sit at a greenhouse.



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