"Will you come with me?"

"Lead the way." I hop from the windowseal and land gently beside his lean frame.

Nodding, Hikaru's grip tightens and he leads me out of the host room and down towards the rose garden. I follow silently, knowing that if I broke the silence it would shatter the peacefullness between us. I didn't mind, and it seemed Hikaru didn't either. The sound of our shared footsteps echo through the stone hallway as we exit the pathway and head for the garden. Normally, I would worry about Will not knowing where I was and what might happen to him if he began to worry, but Will wasn't here and he had choosen. Nibbling on my lip I tear away from my thoughts and focus on Hikaru in front of me. His soft auburn hair shines in the sunlight, highlights of gold slipping through. His broad shoulders cast me in shadows, but it was pleasent.

"I'm sorry about how the way I acted after you were released from the hospital." His slow words break the silence. He stops in a clearing and swings me to be in front of him, our eyes locked from the moment he began speaking.

"I don't undertsand?" I whisper softly, blinking. "You grew distant and cold."

Hikaru exhales and runs a hand through his hair- a trait, I noticed, as a bad habit. His eyes close briefly before reopening and he sinks to his knees in front of me, his gaze broken. Shocked and slightly scared, I fumble for words but Hikaru beats me to them.

"Your expression grew so haunted and I felt anger when you wouldn't say anything about it to me. I wasnted to help so badly, but you didn't bring it up. Meg, love, you don't undertsand how much Kaoru and I care about you." His broken amber gaze stare up at me, shattering my heart.

Sobbing, I bring his head to my shoulder and craddle him against me. His emotions were pulling at me as I felt them from within. His emotions were drawing on my emotions that were already there, building up and overflowing. Hikaru's arms wrap around me and he hugs me against him, his body shuddering. If he was crying he didn't let me know, but his emabrace was tight and hung onto me like a life line. I kiss the crown of his hair, trying to sooth the pain in his heart and the pain in mine.

"I'm so sorry, Hikaru." I say breathlessly. It was paining to know that Hikaru was feeling this way because of me. I was the one causing him this much pain. It was strange though, we didn't know each other for very long and yet.....I felt as if I knew Hikaru my whole life. Maybe I should as Will about this? "I was thinking about Tyson, my only friend in America, and the fact that you guys share memories from before I joined the host club."

I run my fingers through his hair and try to find the words to make him undertsand how I feel. "I'm not going to lie, Hikaru. It's hard knowing I'm not normal like you guys, a freak. Hell, I can feel what other people are feeling and I can tell a lie from a truth, who calls that nomral?" I chuckle bitterly.

His head snaps up and he's on his feet faster than I could blink. Fast than that, his arms are around me and I'm smashed against his chest. "You're not a freak, Meg. I promise you that." He whispers harshly into my hair, his hold strong.

My knees are weak and I know the only thing holding me up was Hikaru. We don't say anything for a while, remaining in this position, our breathing rising and falling together. Hikaru's emotions were racing all over the place, along with mine, and I could feel him wanting to talk.

"I'm sorry for causing you this much pain. No wonder you couldn't look at me."

"That was uncalled for. I was being childish." Hikaru shakes his head. I couldn't see his eyes but I knew, by the steady beat of his heart, that he was telling me the truth. "Kaoru tells me all the time it's a bad habit, but when it comes to people I care about my emotions get the better of me."

Beautiful Curse-OHSHC fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя