Imagine Dylan O'brien

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Imagine being a Zoologist at a big zoo, and doing an inside tour for celebrities.


I've worked at the Australia Zoo for a while now. The Erwin's have been good to me. After graduating with a bachelor's degree in Zoology, and with my love for Australia, although I am from the United States, I knew my only place was with the Erwin's. I normally gave private tours to celebrities and rich people. People who wanted a day in the life of a zoo keeper. May main job however is with big cats. My personal favorite is the Golden Tiger. (look them up they're so pretty) Raising four Tiger cubs on your owns is not walk in the park. No pun intended. Anyway, today I was giving a tour to the Maze Runner Cast. I was a big fan, but part of my job, was to not show that.

"Hello everyone, we are SO excited to have you here today!!! Right guys?" I asked the chimps who made happy noises and clapped their hands. "Welcome to the Australia Zoo! Home of the Erwin's! My name in Ann! I'm a zoologist, and I work with the big cats. You'll get to meet my little ones soon, but first I'd like you to meet a few of our lemurs! If you have any questions at any time please feel free to ask, I will answer to the best of my ability. Also, if you feel uncomfortable at any time, please also tell me. I want this experience to be mind blowing, but not scary. I know a lot of people have a fear of snakes or reptiles and others have fear of cats or dogs. On this adventure you will have the opportunity to pet an anaconda, a golden tiger, a wild dog and much, much more!" I smile. One of them raised their hand. Wes. He's the director and a good friend of mine. "Excuse me miss Ann? I think we'd like to introduce ourselves if that's ok?" "Absolutely Wes." I laughed. "This is a personal intimate experience, the more comfortable you feel, the better!" "I'm Dylan O'brien nice to meet you." He smiled. "Oh yes, the Mets fan." I laughed again. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. O'brien." "Oh no, just Dylan you're making me feel old-" he smiled. I nod. "Will Poulter." I shook his hand, smiling. "Thomas Brodie Sangster." "Ah yes, from love actually. And Will you're from Narnia are you not?" He nodded. "Kaya." "You played in Pirates of the Caribbean?" "Yep that's me!" I smiled. "Ki Hong Lee." "You were in a Disney Channel show when I was younger... With Zach Efron in it?" "Oh wow it's been a LONG time since I thought about that-" I laughed. "Well I'm glad I know most of you." "Dexter." "You're my favorite character." I say plainly. "Frypan?" Dylan asked. "Absolutely. He's both sarcastic and witty, whilst also being kind, caring and compassionate. Like an older brother. He's not the glue, but more like the foundation." You explain. "I think you do an outstanding job of playing him." He smiled back. "Thank you!"

"Right then, now that we're all introduced, can you all tell me if you have a favorite animal?"

(I can't remember what all of them said- so I'm just gonna roll with it-)

After a series of answers it was Dylan's turn. Wes knew I had the biggest crush on Dylan and was trying to gett me to as unprofessional as possible. That is until I told him if I was I could get fired so he stopped. Dylan said he loves dogs. So I am about to show him the cutest little puppies on earth. "These are Mane Wolf pups. They're only found in Africa and South Africa. Whoever, despite their names, they are more closely related to Foxes then wolves. This is the mum, her name is Bandit. We took her in after she snuggled into the country by jumping in a create of dead chicken." I laughed. "Then she almost got killed being hit by a car, running away from a house with a turkey in her mouth. Hence the name Bandit." I smiled. "This is Autumn, Blaze and we call her sweet potato because that's the ONLY thing she likes to eat." "OH MY GOSH THEYRE SO CUTE!" I sat Blaze in his lap. "Hi little guy. Puppies puppies puppies." He kissed their heads.


We decided to see the tigers next. "This strong woman's (the mum tiger) name is Ruth. She's been through don't rough stuff, but she has four Beautiful babies, that I get to care for. We've got, Jade, Talia, Amari, and Nathan because the vet who delivered him was named Nathan." I laughed. I walked up too the window and the cubs immediately came up to me and tired to rub me through the glass, sending everyone into a fit of giggles.

"She's so cute" Dylan said to Wes. "I can set you up if you'd like..." Wes said back. They shook hands.

What a great day

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