"And what did you say?"

"I didn't. She hung up before I could say anything. Just ... Is it true?"

There was a moment of silence between the couple and neither of them knew what to say.

"Trent?" Mia asked as she picked at her nails. Something she did when she was nervous.

"I mean yeah. I told Alex and Perrie I wanted a kid," he replied.

"And ermm, how soon did you tell them you wanted a kid?"

"Now," Trent replied as he hung his head in shame.

Mia looked at her fiancée and picked his chin up making him look at her. She placed a peck on his lips to give him a bit of reassurance.

"Hey. Don't be ashamed that you want a baby," Mia told him with a little chuckle.

"So you're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad. Shocked, yes. Hurt that you didn't speak to me about it first, a little bit. But I could never be mad at you."

"I'm sorry. I know I should have told you first. I was just scared that you'd leave me or you thought I was rushing things. I know you're only 22 and I'm 22 nealry 23 but I love you Mia. And I want a family with you. I guess because my parents had me and my brothers at a young age they had a special bond with us. They were able to do things with us that older parents weren't and I want that with my children," Trent explained to Mia.

"I understand that. I do and I don't want you to feel like you have to hide stuff like this from me because you're scared it would hurt my feelings. I just, I feel like if I have a child I'm gonna be a terrible mother. That I'm gonna end up like my parents."

"Hey I know you don't have the best relationship with your parents and I understand that you're scared but I can assure you right now that you are gonna be the best mum in the world. Well when we do have a child but I know that you're gonna care for it and love it so much that it will probably get annoyed by all the love," Mia let out a small chuckle that made Trent smile. "But you are never ever going to be anything like your parents. Come here."

Trent brought Mia in for a hug as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her onto his lap.

"So," Mia said when they pulled away. "Do you want a bubba?" she asked as she played with the curles on the back of his neck.

"Really?" he asked with a hue smile on his face.

"I mean, yeah. I like the idea of a mini Trent running around the place."

"Or a mini Mia," he added in a serious voice.

"Or a mini Mia. Either way I'm happy. So what do you say?"

Trent stood up from the couch with Mia still clinging onto him and spun her around the room. Mia squealed as she hugged Trent tighter not wanting to fall.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," he sang.

They soon came to a stop and Trent placed Mia's feet back on the floor.

"I'll take that as a you want to try?"

He placed a hand on Mia's waist and his other on her cheek as he pulled her in for a kiss. The couple put all of their emotions into it and the love they have for each other.

"I love you future Mrs Alexander Arnold."

"I love you too Mr Alexander Arnold."


@miaedwards :

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@miaedwards : I love my bubs ❤💍

@trentarnold66 : Love you baby ❤

@perrieedwards : I'm guessing you talked to him then 🙂

~ Yeah we talked about it and everything's fine

~ @perrieedwards : Sooo ???

~ 🤐😁


@trentarnold66 :

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@trentarnold66 : I can't wait for you to be my wife and start a family with you ❤💍

@miaedwards : ❤

@perrieedwards : Ahhhh it's happening 😁

~ @alexoxchaimberlain : What's happening?

~ @andyrobertson94 : Perrie you better tell me right now 😡

~ 🤫

~ @andyrobertson94 : Don't you shush me Trenski 😡


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