'I don't know, what if he doesn't like me?' The girl said as she fiddled with a piece of her hair.

'Trust me, Minho likes you.' We heard an accented voice say before we saw Newt sit down next to me.


'He literally drools over you Lia, just go for it other wise I'll do it for you.' I smirked at her which obviously made her stand up and slowly walk over to her crush.

'They would be so cute.' I gushed over my two best friends getting together.

'That's what I've been saying.' The blonde joked before we all saw a newly awoken brunette inch closer to us.

Neither of us hesitated to run up to the boy and engulf him in a hug. He responded almost instantly and I felt all of myself ease under their touch.

'You doing good Tommy?' Newt questioned with a happy smile on his lips.

'Better.' The old runner replied before I heard footsteps come from behind us.

Me and the blonde let out other friends greet Thomas. We just watched in awe at all off our family which was now finally back together, that was until I remembered a specific raven haired girl.

'I'm going to check on Teresa.' I announced to Newt before I ran up to one of the medical tents.

I knocked on the door and I was internally surprised to actually hear a response.

'Come in.' Her voice sounded so fragile and when I stepped in the room I saw her body immediately untense.

'How you feeling?'


'Why haven't you come out yet?' I asked as I sat down at the end of her bed.

'I-I'm just scared . . I thought what I did was right, you know trying to find the cure. I wanted to save everyone but I can see how badly I messed up. It's not like I'm expecting anyone's forgiveness, it's just . . .' But I stopped her before she could carry on with her confession.

'Teresa I'm going to be honest, I don't think the gladers will properly forgive you anytime soon but I think they'll tolerate you. Now I can see why you thought doing all those things were right, I was manipulated as well so I'm willing to give you a second chance.' I sent her a reassuring smile her way.

Yes I know what she did was horrible but I also don't want her to feel alone. I don't want her to feel what I felt when my mind was being manipulated, no one deserves that.

'R-Really?' She stuttered out of disbelief.

'Yep, but you have to come out.' I held my hand out for her to which she reluctantly accepted.

'Thomas is awake.' I smirked at her as I watched her cheeks light up.

We walked out of the medical room and some eyes were on us. We heard Vince gathering everyone and I knew it was time for the all mighty announcement. Please don't be cringey.

I guided Teresa to Thomas and they sat together before I went over to Newt and sat beside him and Aelia.

Thank you Luna. I heard the raven hair girl say in my head and I jumped out of my skin because we haven't spoke like that in months.

𝕋𝕠 𝔹𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕧𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 | Newt3, The Death CureМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя