Chapter 24: Tears and laughter.

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"Mate, did you see Far?" I asked Louis who was whispering something in Eleanor's ear. "Hey El."

"Yeah she was with me and-" Eleanor was stopped mid-sentence by Lou.

"She went to restrooms, go check."


I walked away from them as I made my way to the washroom. Ever since we have talked things out, I had been wanting her by my side very time. I'd touch her in any way possible, I'd kiss her, or I'd just caress her skin until she'd tell me that we were in public. That's the most amazing feeling; feeling her lips on mine and me holding her by her waist and everything. And whenever I think of this morning, I always find myself smiling like an idiot. Shes the most beautiful person I've ever met, and hot too.

I made a way to the corner towards the washroom and found myself thinking again. Only about her. She makes me feel something like so loved, and mostly, turned on. She has this effect on me that only a wink from her can make me want to kiss her. Everything that she does always drives me insane. She's the one. I literally am in love with her.

But who knows she is also in love with me?

My thinking got the most negative of me; and I felt fear inside of me. What if she's not in love with me like I am? What if she will choose Daniel over me? But then again, she's already expressed her love to me.

Back to the reality, I heard harry calling my name.

"Maybe he's somewhere making out..." Louis voice echoed through my ears.

Without any thought, I turned back on my heels towards the boys who were calling my name. I realized they were walking towards me instead so I just dragged myself towards toilet's door.

"Whats up guys? Did you miss me, eh?" I winked and laughed along with Harry who just mocked my accent.

Louis opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He was looking something behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows as Louis's gaze dropped as soon as I heard the door closed. I looked behind me but the door was closed so I just shrugged it off.

Maybe Lou was inside or someone who doesn't wanted us to see...

"I... um.... eh... so?" Louis stumbled over his own words. I wonder what did he saw. Harry cleared his throat to speak but Liam shushed him by nudging him and he mouthed a 'No!' to him but Harry just shrugged.

"Niall did you eh.... um.. heard anything?" The shit he's talking about?

"What would I hear?" I asked confusingly.

"Oh! ... well.... uh...-" Liam cut him off as Zayn just stood there encouraging him to speak.

"Niall, we're having another tour next year." Liam smiled nervously.

"Yeah, I heard it... You're hiding something?" I asked Zayn who just shook his head in response. Louis coughed loudly and spoke up.

"Maybe we should sit and talk. Ben has lot to tell you..."

Oh, is he gonna tell that I had to leave my girlfriend over here for tour? Not.


"So you must know that the tour is starting in like month or two. And the good part is you can bring your girlfriend if you would like." Ben smiled and winked at me as my face lit up with amusement.

"Thanks Ben."

"Wait, have you made it official yet?" He asked.

"Official what?"

Maybe, a dream? // Niall Horanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن