Sudden Shock!

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Episode 3: Chapter 21~25


The next day, Lev told Ace and Deuce about the plan they made with Leona and Ruggie the previous evening. They agreed to check the VIP room later that they to see if they could find anything suspicious. They planned on meeting right after school, but Lev had some extra work she forgot she had to do, so she told her friends to go on ahead while they had the chance. 

Once she was finished, she headed towards Mostro Lounge. Because school was already over it was fairly busy. 

Sadly, Lev didn't make it two steps within the door without getting spotted. 

"Shrimpy!" Floyd called, walking towards her.

AHH! Don't--!

He hugged her tightly. "I'm so happy you came! I've missed you since our little game of hide-and-seek yesterday!"

....Hug me...Lev sighed. "Hi, Floyd."

The eel-boy pulled away and frowned. "What's wrong, Shrimpy? You sound sad."

"I'm just tired," she told him. "Yesterday really drained me, and I didn't sleep super well last night."

"Awww, I don't want you to be tired." His face suddenly lit up. "I know! Follow me~!" He grabbed her wrist and started pulling her towards the VIP Room.

Ack! Where's everyone? Lev scanned the restaurant, but couldn't find her friends anywhere. They must already be inside! 

"Uh, where are you taking me?" 

Floyd grinned. "Azul just said he had a funny surprise for us in the VIP Room! If you're sad, I'm sure whatever it is will make you happy!" 

Surprise? Have they already been caught?! 

The eel-boy dragged her to just outside the VIP Room, where Azul and Jade were waiting for him.

Azul smirked. "Miss Leviline. What perfect timing. Look." He opened the door just a crack so the four could peer inside. "I assume you had something to do with this?"

Lev's eyes widened as she saw her friends crowding around Azul's desk. A golden contract sat atop the desk. She felt her stomach squirm. "Oh no..."

She witnessed in horror as Grim touched the contract, and electricity shot through the room. Her friends cried out in pain. When the electricity faded away and her friends fell to the floor. 

Floyd burst out laughing as he dragged her into the room. "See, Shrimpy? It's so funny!" 

Azul smirked. "My, my. You all are shaking like you got attacked by an electric catfish. How unsightly."

Jack shook his head to clear it. "H-how did you know?"

"When I came in just a moment ago, I could see your fuzzy tail underneath the desk," Azul sneered. "I assumed that you all wanted to steal my contracts. Unfortunately for you, there's a spell on all my contracts that electrocute anyone who touches then except me."

"You...ugh!" Lev growled. Her temper flared, which was rather unusual for her. Jade and Floyd stopped her small form from running up and punching Azul. His smug face was really starting to get on her nerves.

He clicked his tongue. "Now, now, Prefect. Didn't I tell you? It's impossible to destroy my contracts."

Floyd laughed again. "Honestly, Shrimpy. Why do you keep trying even though you know it's impossible?" Lev growled at him. 

"Calm down, Floyd," Jade chided him. "You're making me feel bad for these little fools with how much you're laughing."

"Indeed." A dangerous smile grew on Azul's face. "However, they did do a bad thing. Bad kids deserve to be punished. Would you two do the honors?" Sicks smiles grew the twins' faces.

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