chapter 10

44 6 1

( they arrived at home)


( there has one security)

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( there has one security)

SECURITY: who are you all?

HARISH: I'm Harish friend of Priya! And we here to meet Anthony uncle

SECURITY: uncle?

HARISH: yes!

SECURITY: sorry, you're not allowed in

ANIRUDH: excuse me, do you know who is? He is son in law of Anthony uncle!

SECURITY: oh you mean that Harish?

ALL: ???

SECURITY: I'm sorry sir! Please get in sir! *let them in*

HARISH: ???, okay! Tha, thank you!

MUGEN: let me press the bell *press the bell*

PRIYA: *open the door* Mugen? 😀

ANIRUDH: Hi Priya!

PRIYA: *excited* welcome to my home! *welcoming them*

HARISH: thank you!

PRIYA: have a sit guys! I going to call my papa!

MUGEN: okay Priya

( Priya goto upstairs)

DIVYA: shall we leave?

HARISH: why?

DIVYA: I feel uncomfortable!

HARISH: ???, I'm here buddy! *tap Divya's shoulder*

( Priya come with Anthony)

ANTHONY: Hey guys!

HARISH: hello uncle! 😊

ANTHONY: 😊, Farah go and make drinks for them!

FARAH: okay sir! *leaving*

ANTHONY: I like your punctuality!

MUGEN: Thank you, uncle!

( Farah comes with drinks)

PRIYA: Farah give to me, let me give to them!

FARAH: okay ma'am

PRIYA: *received* 😄 here is drinks for you guys! *put on table*

ANIRUDH: thank you Priya

DIVYA: ..... (😤)

PRIYA: (Huh? Divya is also right here? It means she also joins college with Harish!)

ANTHONY: is have bring  documents?

ANIRUDH: yep uncle

ANTHONY: good! Shall we go now?

HARISH: sure sir!

PRIYA: papa, I'm also want to join college with them!


ANTHONY: why suddenly dear?

PRIYA: please papa, please

ANTHONY: Then, what about TSK college?

PRIYA: please papa


DIVYA: 😡😡😡

ANTHONY: okay okay! Ya sure!

PRIYA: thank you, daddy! *hug Anthony*

ALL: ????? 😳

ANTHONY: let's go, guys!

HARISH: *freeze*

ANTHONY: ???,, Harish? *hold his shoulder*

HARISH: ??? Uncle?

ANTHONY: shall we leave?

HARISH: ya ya!

( Anthony and all are going to HTJH college)

( in the car)

PRIYA: umm... Harish can I have your phone number?


DIVYA: Harish borrow me your phone for while! *, take his phone from him*

HARISH: *look at Divya* oh yes where do I leave?

PRIYA: your number!


ANTHONY: here we go!

DIVYA: let's go harish! *Pull his hand and and get down from car*

PRIYA: 🙄 ( idiot) *get down from the car*

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