My Thing - Han Solo

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Han Solo x daughter reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 226

Summary: Leia needs help from her daughter but she feels like smuggling has become her thing but her fathers with Leia on this one

Authors Note: I hate how short this is


"Daddddd" Y/n whined following him around the falcon.

"Don't whine about this its final." Han said walking toward the cockpit

Y/n tried again catching up to him "but-"

"No, but's. Your mother needs you for this." he cut her off turning to face her.

Y/n sighed looking around the hallway they were in trying to put her thoughts together "look it's not that I don't want to see mom. I miss her, I really do. But I love being here. Smuggling has become my thing. I haven't done anything for the resistance in years. It's not my thing anymore."

"And that's what your mother needs help with." he smiled before turning and walking again.

"How am I even suppose to know where she is? They have to move basses all the time." Y/n exclaimed

Han stopped again turning to look at her "She's sending a pilot to come pick you up."

She gave her father a confused look before asking "who?"

He waved his hand around trying to remember the name Leia had said: "A Poe something."

Y/n rolled her eyes at the fact he couldn't remember the pilot's full name. But the first name sounded familiar and made her nervous "Well, when's he coming?"

"He'll be here in a couple hours." Han mumbles before walking away quickly.

"What?!" she screamed

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