300 (S.R)

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Based on season 14 episode 1


Spencer sat down on the couch next to Theo. He decided to keep the boy company until he was being picked up. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, "Do you mind if I call my daughter real quick? I'm just letting her know I'll be home late."

Theo nodded and Spencer stood up, dialing his daughter's number and waiting for her answer.

Maggie's dad should be home anytime now. She had Doctor Who ready to go, along with some takeout food set on the table. Herr phone started buzzing from the seat on the couch next to her. She grabbed it and saw it was her dad, "Hey dad, are you almost home?"

"I'm staying a little later tonight. I just want to make sure someone is okay," he didn't want to give away too much details on the case. As much as his work interested her, he didn't like filling his daughter's head with all the things he had to deal with, "I promise I'll be home in about an hour. At most."

"Okay. You better hurry because Doctor Who won't wait all night."

"I will, don't worry. I'll see you when I get home. I love you."

"Love you too dad," she hung up the phone and tossed it aside. Maggie flipped the TV to another show to watch while she waited for her dad.

After an hour, she checked her phone for updates from Spencer but there were none. She called his phone but it went to voicemail. She called again and texted but still no answer. Maggie finally looked at the location app he had installed for her phone but she made him get it on his too, for situations like this one. It showed he was still at work and she got a little upset at him. Maggie knew his job was important to him but was it more important than his daughter?

After trying to call some of the other members of the team no one answered. She knew that probably wasn't a good sign but the logical part of her brain shut off and she found yourself on a train to the BAU.

Maggie wasn't sure how she managed to slip through all the chaos but she reached the floor that her dad's office was on. She pulled open the door, earning the attention of the unit chief.

"Maggie? What are you doing here?" Emily asked, walking quickly over to the girl.

"Where's my dad? He told me he would be home a half an hour ago and he's not answering his phone."

Emily placed her hand on her shoulder and looked over at Rossi. How was she going to break the news that Spencer was kidnapped by a cult and possibly injured, "Let's sit down in my office real quick."

That wasn't good, "No tell me now. What happened?" Maggie demanded. 

Emily sighed but she explained it to her the best she could. The team themselves didn't know a whole lot yet but she promised to keep Maggie in the know. Ever since Spencer went to prison, she knew Maggie secretly talked to Garcia about what the cases were about and what her dad was up to. She knew his daughter was scared for him and she didn't blame her.

Emily let Maggie go into her office and she went to go find JJ.

"Is there any news?" JJ asked.

"No but Maggie was worried about Spencer so she took a train here. She's acting calm but I can tell she's freaking out. She's in my office right now. I told her I'd keep her updated though."

"I can't imagine what's going on through her head. It's only been a little over a year since Spence got arrested. She's still healing from all of that," JJ ran her hand over her face, "If we don't get him back, how are we going to tell her? I can't even begin to think what would happen."

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