Demons (S.R)

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Based on Season 9 Episode 24 of Criminal Minds "Demons"


Maggie woke up to loud banging on the front door. She could tell it was late at night, so she hoped whoever was on the other side would go away soon. Even if she wanted to open the door, she couldn't. She was alone for the night and her dad always told her to never open the door unless he was home.

After a few more minutes of banging on the door, a voice she recognized yelled, "Maggie wake up! It's me!"

Confused, she pulled off the blankets and rushed into the living room. She pulled up a chair and climbed onto it and peered through the peephole. Maggie saw who it was and got off the chair. She opened the door and asked, "Garcia what's happening?"

Garcia yanked the girl into one of the tightest Garcia hugs ever. She had a key to the apartment but whatever was on her mind was clouding her common sense, "You need to get a bag. We have to go to Texas," she pulled away and walked into Maggie's room, already picking clothes out and shoving them into a bag.

The girl stood in the doorway and watched, still confused, "What's wrong?"

Garcia finished packing and helped her put the backpack on, "It's your dad," she moved quickly back into the living room and pulled a few books off the shelf to take with her.

"I-I-Is he okay?" bad things happened to Spencer all the time. From her memory, he's been in this situation more times than her liking, "Is he dead?" Maggie's mind jumped to the worst possible outcome.

Garcia turned and looked at the child in front of her. Maggie was trying to keep her fear to herself. She tried shoving down the thoughts about everything else that could be wrong, beside him dying but it wasn't working. Maggie felt tears starting to form and when Garcia looked at her that way, Maggie broke down, "I want to see him," she murmured.

"Oh honey he's not dead," she pulled the child into another tight hug, "He's in the hospital. I think he's in surgery," technically, she wasn't lying. She couldn't tell Spencer's daughter that he was going to be fine because she didn't know that herself.

After what felt like the longest plane ride ever, Maggie, Garcia, and Cruz arrived at the hospital. The three met JJ and Blake in the waiting room. Maggie tuned out their conversation until JJ crouched down in front of her and grabbed her hands.

"If you want to stay here with Blake you can, but I think Morgan would want to see you," JJ told her. 

The girl nodded. It would probably be best for her to be with Morgan since he would know the best way to keep her mind off Spencer. Maggie rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand before yawning, a sign to everyone that she was exhausted and should get some sleep.

JJ stood up and picked her up, letting the girl wrap her arms around her neck and putting her head on her shoulder.

"Let us know when he wakes up," JJ said to Blake and Garcia.

JJ walked down the hallway until they reached Morgan's room. She set Maggie down, held onto her hand and knocked on the door with her free one., "Morgan, it's JJ and Maggie."

She opened the door and Morgan sat up and smiled at seeing Spencer's daughter, "Hey, pretty girl, come here," he patted the bed next to him, leaving her room to sit. She made your way to the bed and sat down.

He could tell something was on the girl's mind, "What's going on in that tiny-genius brain of yours?"

Maggie watched as JJ sat down in the chair at the foot of the bed. Morgan and JJ shared the same look of concern.

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