Sense Memory (E.P)

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Based on parts of Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 14 "Sense Memory"


Charlotte was supposed to be in bed, not staying up and coloring with Sergio. Her mom was coming home from a case tonight and Charlotte wanted to finish what she was working on. She heard the door open softly and her mom set down her things. The girl quietly climbed into her bed, in case Emily came in to check on her. Charlotte pulled the covers over her body when she heard her mom's footsteps were coming closer.

Emily opened the door and peeked her head inside, "Good night Charlotte, I love you."

When her daughter didn't answer back, Emily assumed she was asleep and left the door ajar and went into her own room.

Sergio normally slept with Charlotte when Emily was gone. Now that she was back, Sergio jumped off the girl's bed and ran into the hallway.

"No!" she whisper shouted, "Serge come back!" Charlotte rolled out of bed and followed the cat.

He ran into her mom's room. Luckily, their paths didn't cross and Emily was in the kitchen now.

"Don't go outside!" Charlotte whispered shouted again. 

She hadn't noticed the window was open until Sergio jumped on the ledge and stepped outside. It was down pouring and the girl knew her mom wouldn't want wet paw prints everywhere in the house. He came back in almost immediately and she scooped him up in her arms.

"You're all wet. Momma's gonna have to dry you now."

The carried him into the kitchen and set him down on the floor, "Hi momma."

At the same time, Sergio jumped on the table, disturbing whatever Emily was looking at.

"What are you doing up? I thought you were asleep,¨ she picked her daughter up and placed her on her lap. She noticed Charlotte was still wearing her day clothes.

"Me and Sergio were making something for you," the girl rested your head on her  mom's shoulder, "What're you working on?"

Emily moved the documents out of the way of the cat. She ran her hand down his back, feeling that he was wet. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked out the window.

As if she read her mom's mind, she explained why he was wet, "He went out the window."

"What window? Emily set her daughter on her feet and stood up while Charlotte pointed towards her room. Emily took a deep breath, "Why don't you go to your room and get ready for bed. I'll be there to tuck you in in a minute."

"Otay momma," the ran back into her room and changed into pajamas.

She heard her mom talking to Sergio out loud, saying how handsome he was and how much she missed him while she was gone. The girl picked out a book for her mom to read to her before bed.

It had been more than a minute so Charlotte made her way into her mom's room when Emily was just getting off the phone. She picked the girl up and placed her on her hip.

"I missed you baby," she kissed the top of her daughter's head and Charlotte buried her face in her mom's neck. Emily could tell she was getting tired now. She put her hand on Charlotte's back and rubbed it up and down, hoping to get her asleep quickly.

"Mmm," the girl mumbled. She moved her arms around Emily's neck, trying to get as close to her as she could.

Emily went to put Charlotte to bed in her daughter's room but the phone rang again. She picked it up and checked the caller I.D. She didn't answer and let it go to the answering machine.

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