Hit and Run (J.J)

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Based on Criminal Minds Season 7 Episode 23/24 "Hit" and "Run"


Today started like a normal day off. Anna didn't have school so her friend and her mom were going to pick her up and go to the mall and then the movies. JJ also had the day off and she was spending it at home with Henry while he had a play date. After Will left, Anna's friend arrived and Anna said goodbye to her mom.

"Bye Anna. Be good," she said. She hugged her daughter and kissed her forehead.

"I will don't worry," she said. Anna hugged her mom back and ran out the door. JJ watched as she climbed into the back seat. She waved goodbye to her and Anna did the same.

Anna's friend's mom, Andrea, turned in her seat to look at the two girls, "I have to stop at the bank first."

Both the girls nodded and turned to each other and started talking. The bank wasn't too far from the house so the ride wasn't bad. All three of them got out of the car and into the building. The three stood in line and waited for their turn.

"Why is the line so long?" Anna's friend complained.

"Cause there's a lot of people," her mom said back, "It's almost our turn."

Before they could make it to the counter, a gunshot rang through the building. All three crouched down and tried to get away from the sound.

The three people wearing the masks had Anna and all the other people line up together. She heard the unsubs on the phone with law enforcement. She had hoped it was your mom. She knew she took on cases like this, but today was her day off. If the team was on this case, she may or may not be here.

What Anna didn't know is that both her mom and Will were working the case. They were right outside the building, not knowing their daughter was inside. If either of them found out, or if the team did, they wouldn't be able to stay. Their emotions would get the better of them.

It felt like Anna had been stuck in that bank for days but it had only been a few hours. Andrea had told her and her friend to keep their eyes closed and to block out the sounds. She didn't want either of the girls to see or hear anything. Despite her precautions, both of them had still heard the shots that had already killed several people. The unsubs had let most of the children go except for the two of them. Anna heard one of the unsubs on the phone, asking for the cop who shot his brother. After a few minutes the door opened.

She opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder to see who it was. Anna gasped when she saw it was Will. Before she could react, the male unsub shot him in the shoulder. Anna shrieked and tried to get to him but was pulled back by Andrea.

The female unsub looked to the girl and then to Will, then back to Anna, "Come here," she said to he. Anna shook her head but the unsub motioned for he anyway. Anna complied, not wanting to get hurt if she didn't listen. She made her way over to her and the unsub placed her hand on the girl's shoulder. She led Anna closer to Will. Once he saw her, his eyes grew wide.

"Anna, what are you doing here?" he asked. He was holding his shoulder and she could tell he was in a lot of pain.

"We had to stop here before the mall," she said, "Are you okay?"

Will only nodded. He was in too much pain to give her a verbal answer. The male unsub grabbed Will and pulled him to his feet. They two of them dragged Anna and Will through the bank and outside. Anna couldn't keep up with the three adults so to make things go quicker, the female unsub knocked her in the head, leaving her unconscious.


Anna felt someone gently shaking her shoulder. She opened your eyes slowly and groaned when the bright light hit her. She could just barely make out Will's face looking concerned, "Come'on, we gotta get going," he helped the girl out of the car as best as he could. His arm was still injured but he was hiding it well. Anna held onto him and stayed as close to him as possible. She trusted Will and trusted that he knew what he was doing. The female unsub stayed close behind the both of them.

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