1 일 1 부 | Day 1 Part 1

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Sohn Seongja's POV

I was awoken to slam on my desk before classes start.
"Hey! What the fuck?" I scold the slammer without lifting up my head.
"Watch that pretty mouth of yours, Ja-ah." Minjae's voice rang through my ears causing me to lift my head to the sound.
"Or what? You're gonna kiss them?" I playfully flirt with the older.
"No one would kiss you with that attitude." He sassily retorts. I roll my eyes and change the topic.

"So why are you here?"
"I came to see if you were planning on eating with us for lunch?"
"I mean maybe. Is Junhyuk going to be there?" Minjae nods. "Then no. I'm not." He sighs in frustration.
"Come on. Winnie isn't bad. He's just not used to you yet. Once you get to know him, you'll love him." I shook my head.
"It's been a month, Jae. Nothing will change my mind. Now get going, class is starting." He nods and rush out the room.

Win has been living with us for a month already, but I rarely get to see him luckily. Sadly, this puts a lot of stess on Seongjun. But this is how it has to be for now. Anytime Win opens his mouth towards me, I just want to punch his face. He really blunt and cold to me. The only time he isn't like that is when I'm sick or hurt which is frequent, but not frequent enough for us to talk more than a few words.

When I wasn't mad at him, I explained to him why I'm like this. I told him I use it as a defense mechanism to protect myself and he just responds with 'I understand'. It make feel warm and listened to. It was hard for me to tell him since I haven't even told the boys, but I've accidentally eavesdrop on the conversation about me. I'm glad they aren't blind and just waiting for me to tell them.

I walk down the halls for lunch, hungry from missing breakfast this morning. I catch Huijun walking out his class.
"Hue, I'll be on the roof again. Tell Jae I have to work on a project." He nods as we stop by his locker.
"Why don't you like Win?"
"Because all we do is bicker." He slams his locker closed.

"Like a married couple." He mutters but I still hear him. "What about those times he took care of you?"
"That was out of pity. I hurt myself once a day; I'm sure he's just worried I might accidentally kill someone." I huff, rolling my eyes. "Plus he's cold to me and I'm rude to him. It's better that we just avoid each other."
"Don't you two have classes together?"
"Sadly, yes. Luckily, it's only dance and music theory." The bell rings for lunch.
"Okay. I'll see you, after school." He shoots me finger guns like a fool. I shyly chuckle, waving to Huijun and headed to the roof.

I'm in love with Huijun. At first I thought it out of familiarity, but as we grew up I realized it wasn't. He always took care of me when Seongjun wasn't there. But to him, I'm just his little sister. Plus he's not my soulmate. But I'm okay with that, I know I'll get over it. I need to meet someone to love more than I love Huijun.

I'm yanked out of my thoughts when someone bumps into me, throwing me onto the ground. I look up at the tall figure to see Bang "Win" Junhyuk.
"Watch it." He says coldly. Sick and tired of us bumping into each other and him not apologizing, I took a chance.
"But first I need you to say it." I get up and he stops his movement, turning to me.
"What did you say?" I looked dead in his beautiful eyes.
"Say that you are sorry." I smirk but his next words wipes it away.

"I'll say it when you admit you love me. Or kiss me. Either one." I look away and blush with fury.
"Fuck you."
"Please do." My eyes widen. What? "I'm waiting, Ja~" He wiggles his eyebrows. I push pass him and run up to the roof.

Once I close and lock the door behind me, I lean against it to try and calm my rushing heart. What the fuck was that? I thought out loud. Why did his attitude change all of a sudden? Why would it change? I felt overwhelmed with new thoughts and feelings, unsure of what they are. I need to distract myself. I grabbed my phone and started playing some music, seating down to eat lunch.

Bang Junhyuk's POV

I'm in love Seongja and I've been knowing this since sophomore year. I've only had a few small interactions with her during classes last year. But junior year shall be the year I get Sohn Seongja to fall in love with me. The rest of MCND knows but says nothing about it unless I tell or ask them. I'm glad they understand since our first real interaction was pretty bad.

I walked into the cafeteria after I decided to change how I acted and be more around Seongja. I took my seat, unsure of how to tell the others. They noticed my uneasiness.
"Spit it out, Junhyuk." Seongmin puts a pause on their conversation. I told them about what happened with Seongja and I asked for their thoughts.

"So you want to make up with her? And you're doing it like that?" I nod.
"It's the only way. I already have this cold, cocky attitude with her. This is only way I could think of." Seongmin sighs.
"Well, don't be too cocky. You might get punched again." Minjae recalls our first interaction.

"Try to show subtle affection towards her. A touch of her shoulder and kind words that make sense in the situation." Huijun suggests. "You don't want to scared her away by moving too fast. She's maybe a happy virus that is strong, dependable, and independent. But she doesn't have someone to truly depend on. Even with me and Seongjun, she tells us most but not all." He pats my back, wishing me luck. I take mental note of his advice.

The rest of lunch, the four of us make a plan of how to get Seongja to make up with me. After lunch, I get a call from Seongjun.
"Hyung, what's up?"
"I'll be late for dinner. I have to do a project for college at my friend's house. I already texted Seongja about it." I quickly run my plan that I came up with other to him to get his approval. "Okay, try to talk to her today. You hurt her and I'll hurt 100 times more. And that's not a threat, it's a promise." I promised him and hung up, heading to class.

To be continued....

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