Chapter 3

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"Can you pass the fish?" I asked.

"We where all gathered around a fire eating some fish, the group that went out to find Merle still haven't returned yet, I wasn't really worried though, they have been through a lot and they weren't gonna let the dead kill them."

"I've got to ask you man. It's been driving me crazy." Morales says to Dale.

"What?" Dale asks.

"That watch."

"What's wrong with my watch?" Dale asks.

"I see you everyday, the same time, winding that thing like a village priest saying mass."

"I've wondered this myself." Jacqui mutters.

"I'm missing the point." Dale says.

"Unless I've misread the signs, the world seems to have come to an end, atleast hit a speed bump for a good long while."

"But there's you every day winding that stupid watch." Morales laughs.

"Time, it's important to keep track, isn't it? The days atleast. Don't you think Andrea? Back me up here."
"I like— I like what, um, a father said to son when he gave him a watch, that had been handed down through generations, he said, I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine, or my fathers before me. I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment, now and then. And not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it."

"You are so weird." Amy mutters.

"Amy then got up from her seat and said she has to pee."

"There's not more toilet paper?" I heard Amy yell as she stepped out of the RV.

"I then heard a blood curdling scream from behind me, I turned around to see one of the dead taking a bite out of Amy's arm, the whole group started screaming and my mom grabbed onto my arm, "Lori get him down!" Shane yelled as he started shooting at the dead."

"I seen an arrow go through one of the dead's head, I saw Daryl, glenn, Rick, and t-dog back but no Merle. They started shooting the walkers, a walker came close to me I screamed which caused my mothers attention, she grabbed a knife and stabbed it into the head, some of the blood splattered onto me."

"Momma I'm scared." I whispered to my mother as she held me close. "Don't be scared Sophia." She muttered.

"Once they got all the walkers down I sat down on the group next to my mother, "Sophia honey," mom muttered. "Y—your father is dead." Mom muttered with no emotion. "What? How?" Tears threatening to spill. "He he was b—bit, he was bit." She muttered. I sobbed into her shoulder and she patted my back, I heard Andrea also sobbing as she looked down at her dead sister."


"Carl? A—are — are you okay?" I muttered to him. "I should be asking you that."

I chucked a little bit and stared him in the eyes, "I gotta be, I'm getting stronger the day." I muttered. Carl sighed and scooted closer to me, we where sitting in the dirt and Carl then wrapped his arms around me embracing me into a hug, I wrapped mine around him also, "thanks for also being here for me Carl." I managed to say as tears rolled down my face."

"So what now? Are we still going to the CDC?" I asked Carl.

"I hope so."

"I don't think we should go." I muttered.


"Well, it's just seems to good to be true I guess."

"Carl sighed, "yeah, but if it means we will be safe then that's all that matters right?"

"Yeah, I guess, but Morales and his family said they where staying." I sighed.

"Yeah, I wish they would come. I'm gonna miss them." Carl said.

"Yeah, me to."

"They will be okay, I know so."

"Carl! Sophia! Come on we are about to leave." Rick yelled to us.

"Guess we better get going huh." Carl chuckled.


"Carl got up and held out a hand for me, I grabbed his hand and he helped me up, he pulled me over to the RV and we got in. I sat down on one of the seats. Carl next to me, I grabbed my bag and pulled out a note book, it had a lot of writings in it, I wrote in it when I was sad, mad, happy, stressed."

"Watcha doing." Carl asked trying to look over my shoulder.

"Oh just reading some memories. Want me to read one to you?"



"I was fishing with this girl, her name was Emma, we weren't really friends but she invited me to go fishing with her and her father, I said yes of course, mainly because I wanted to get out of the house. My parents where always arguing, I didn't like it when they argued. It scared me, because I heard stuff breaking and mom crying. This was my first time fishing so I didn't know much of how to use a fishing pole, Emma and her dad taught me, it felt good to have someone like a father figure around, even if he wasn't my dad it still was nice to think of him as one, I caught 4 fish when fishing, we were fishing almost all day, until I had to go home. When I got home dad looked mad, he scolded me for leaving, I cried in my room for a while wondering why he was like this, he used to be a caring father until 2 years ago, when his sister died. He became an alcoholic, him and his sister where so close, I remember the first time I met her, she had short black hair and beautiful deep blue eyes. She was probably in her early 20s she was young. She was so sweet and caring, I miss dad, why did he go from loving to this?"

"I then noticed I was crying when I saw a few tear drops on my notebook, I looked up and saw a few tears about to fall from Carl's eyes. He embraced me into a hug and I hugged him back."

"I smiled at Carl, we then stopped and Rick went to go talk to Jim. He came back a little later telling us Jim wanted us to leave him behind. "That's what he wants." Rick said.

"Why would he want us to leave him?" I thought." I sighed and looked down at my feet, I was sad for him, I was angry and sad that he was bit, why him? I sat down in the dirt, I put my hands on my head and felt a few warm tears run down my face. I then felt someone wrap there arms around me, I knew it was my mom, we stayed like that for a while until she brought me over to Jim since we where all saying our goodbyes to him."

"Hey so-Sophia," Jim stuttered.

"Hi." I muttered, a few tears still running down  my face."

"Stay strong for me Sophia, I know I don't know you to well but I want you to stay strong, your gonna beat this world, and you to Carl."

"I felt a smile form on my face, I bent down and gave him a hug, and he put a hand on my shoulder when we pulled away. I got up and started walking away from Jim, my moms hand on my back. I walked into the RV and sat down on the seats, Carl next to me."

"I looked out the window when we started driving, I waved to Jim until he was out of view. I was starting to get a little tried, I leaned my head onto Carl's shoulder and my eyes began to get heavy, then darkness took over as I fell asleep."


"I was woken up by someone shaking me, Carl. "Wake up Sophia, we have arrived at the CDC."

"I got up still a little tired and light headed from getting up to fast. My mom grabbed onto my hand and we walked out of the RV, we ran to the doors and Rick started to bang on them, after a few minutes no one opened the door, "your killing us!! Your killing us!" Rick yelled as Shane pulled him to the cars. I was scared, cmon Sophia be strong. Be strong."

"As we all started to ran back to the cars, the door opened and a bring light blinded us.."


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